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Compiled by Richard F. Palmer
New York Evening Post
October 1, 1906
The Otselic Valley Railroad Company, which will operate a street surface road from South Otselic, Chenango County to Georgetown Station, Madison County, a distance of twelve miles, was incorporated at Albany today with a capital of $120,000. (Had 4 cars. Benjamin F. Gladding, president; E.J. Stack, vice president; Dewitt C. Crumb, secretary; Ralph R. Brown, treasurer, and M.K. Perkins, a director, all of South Otselic. July, 1907. P. 266. American Street Railway Investments, New York, 1908).
Otsego Valley Herald, Cooperstown
Friday, October 5, 1906
The Otsego Valley Railroad Company was incorporated on Monday in Albany. It will extend from South Otselic in Chenango County to Georgetown Station in Madison County, a distance of twelve miles. The capital stock is $120,000 and the company plans to operate the road by gasoline or electricity. The directors include B.F. Gladding, E.J. Stack and M.K. Perkins of South Otselic; H.J. Brown of Georgetown, W.F. Wenright of New York and J.H. Scott of Hobart.
Binghamton Press and Leader
Friday, October 19, 1906
New Electric Road Said to be
Planned from Here to Norwich
Would Join The Otselic
Report Said to Have Good Foundation
But Cannot be Definitely Confirmed
An electric railway between this city and Norwich, connecting with the South Otselic railroad at Norwich, is planned, according to current reports. The report could not be positively confirmed today.
B.F. Gladding, president of the South Otselic Company, said to a reporter in Norwich yesterday that the road proposes to build a line from Otselic Center to Norwich, and if this plan materializes Binghamton, it is said, will become the objective point of the road. The matter is being considered by the officers of the company, Mr. Gladding said, and preliminary work has already been accomplished. A company has been formed and incorporated, and the work of constructing a road between South Otselic and Georgetown station is under way. It is expected to be in operation by Feb. 1.
The proposed line would extend from Norwich to Otselic Center and there connect with the branch from Georgetown to South Otselic, following the route of the old Auburn branch and passing through South Plymouth, Ireland's Mills and Beaver Meadow.
Inspection of the Route.
On good authority it is reported that the officials of the South Otselic railroad recently inspected the proposed route in automobiles. As the country is largely a dairying region, milk traffic would almost pay the expenses of operation.
Binghamton would be greatly benefited by a trolley line to the north. Residents of Greene, Oxford and Norwich and intermediate points, a majority of whom got to Syracuse now to do their shopping, would find it more convenient to come to this city.
The railroad schedule is so arranged as to make it inconvenient for the shoppers of the villages and rural districts to the north to give Binghamton their patronage. If such a road was constructed the Lackawanna would probably continue to handle the milk traffic, but other freightage would, no doubt, prove a paying investment for the electric line.
Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown
Friday, October 19, 1906
As They Do In Delaware
Delaware county newspapers do not mince matters much when it comes to denouncing men and things that do not come up to their standards. Here's a good sample started by the Delaware Republican and copied extensively:
If we had space to give details of the transactions of Promoter Wenright, of local and even general trolley fame, none wold be surprised that the Delni-Bloomville trolley scheme is waiting for new and reliable men to finance and build the road.
Wenright is accredited with being an ex-occupant of a cell in Trenton, N.J.., penitentiary, under the name of Patterson, and with billing a trolley at Springfield, Ohio, on other people's money and credulity, besides undertaking to perform similar miracles at Malone, N.Y., and elsewhere. His paper has even protected here and good fortune appears to have favored Delhi people in getting rid of him cheaply. Some others in the county may not have fared so well.
If he is not a first class rascal, papers in our possession do him a base injustice by connecting his two names with various shady schemes.
Syracuse Journal
June 27, 1906
Malone Will Have Gasoline Railroad
Malone, June 27 - William F. Wenright of New York has been granted a 40-year franchise to operate a railway system through the streets of Malone.
The road will be built to the St. Lawrence river, and the motive power will be gasoline.
St. Lawrence Plain Dealer, Canton, N.Y.
July 17, 1906
The Malone village authorities have granted the Malone, Fort Covington and Hopkins Point railroad a permit to dig up the streets and he work of laying the track through the streets has commenced.
The following well known business men have been chosen as directors of the new company: William F. Wenright, John M. Cantwell, Louis C. Haskell, Marshall Howard, N.M. Marshall, Allen M. Mears, J.O. Ballard, Sidney Robinson, O.S. Lawrence, Thomas Hinds, Dwight Dickinson, John A. Flanagan, John W. Rowley, James MacArtney, Allen S. Matthews.
Cortland Democrat
Friday, October 19, 1906
The Otselic Valley R.R. Co.
South Otselic Will Have a Railroad -
Road to be built to Georgetown Station.
South Otselic, Oct. 16. - There having been rumors afloat for some time past to the effect that the good people of South Otselic were in a very fair way to have a railroad to connect this beautiful inland town with the outside world, a Democrat representative visited this place during the past week for the purpose of verifying these reports if the thing was possible. That there is a certainly very good reason for supposing that this road will soon be a fact is beyond dispute, even by the enterprising residents of Cincinnatus goes now without saying.
The Otselic Valley R.R. Co. with a capitalization of $120,000, was formed September 27, the following well known citizens becoming stockholders - B.F. Gladding, Mrs. B. F. Gladding, R.R. Brown, E.J. Stack, M.E. Perkins, W.J. Wildman, W.N. Reynolds, Ned Rockwell, Dr. D. W. Crumb, E.H. Barr of South Otselic, and J.F. Stoddard and H. J. Brown of Georgetown. Supervisor Isaac Darlymple of Otselic. J.H. Scott of of Hobart, Delaware county, W. F. Wenright of New York City.
The following were chosen officers for the year: President B.F. Gladding; 1st vice president, E. J. Stack; secretary, Dr. D.W. Crumb; treasurer, Ralph R. Brown; general manager, W.F. Wenright; superintendent, J.H. Scott.
The charter for building the road was granted October 6 and is for the use of any power excepting steam. The right of way is being rapidly secured; all but six property owners having been secured in the town of Otselic, and no trouble is anticipated for securing the remainder. The road-way will be private, not in the highway, and will follow the Otselic river nearly the entire distance. The surveyors are now at work laying out the proposed route and just as soon as this is completed the work will be mapped and submitted to the railroad commissioners at Albany for their approval.
Just as soon as this is secured, which is already a foregone conclusion, the work of grading the track will be commenced.
General Manager Wenright is a war horse at the art of building roads, having already built 19 electric and 10 steam railroads during his life time. He has secured a construction engine and car to go with it and has been given an option on the ties and rails to be used in building the road. He says that he will have the line ready for operation in 60 days after the rights from the railroad commissioners have been granted, which will mean that the road will be completed soon after the new year puts in an appearance. The distance will be about 12 miles to Georgetown station.
The businessmen of South Otselic are more than disgusted with the slow moving tactics of the D.L. & W. R.R. officials, who have been flirting with them for months past and held out a golden tinted promise that this place wold soon be reached by their trains, coming from Cincinnatus. This company could have easily secured the right of way here and would have been given a nice little bonus besides, but now if they ever do come it will be only on their own money.
The again, the residents would much rather have a line from here to Georgetown station, were good connections can be made on the Central West Shore or New York, Ontario & Western railroad lines, to say nothing of being able to reach such a city as Syracuse, do your trading and home the same day.
The new road will be given the patronage of all the home freight business, which is in itself no small sum as South Otselic is unquestionably he best inland village that there is in the state: to say nothing of the fertile valleys and prosperous dairy interests that are carried on here. When one takes this into consideration, that within a radius of four miles of here there are one 4,000 cows kept, tis fact alone is a very convincing argument that a railroad can be made to pay here, and pay well too.
The road will undoubtedly be an electric one and the style of car put in use may be something of after the pattern of the car as shown in the illustration. May the good work go on. South Otselic needs an outlet into the outside world and we believe tat now they are in fair way to get it.
DeRuyter Gleaner
Thursday, October 25, 1906
Georgetown Station, Oct. 22. - W.F. Wenright returned here this a.n. and stated that 25 Italians would be on hand Tuesday night to go to work the 24th. They will occupy the old Gale house on the H. Dunham place.
DeRuyter Gleaner
Thursday, November 1, 1906
(Abstract of Certificate of Incorporation, dated October 1, 1906)
Directors (all of South Otselic)
B.F. Gladding 1 President
E.J. Stack 1 First Vice President
M.K. Perkins 1
D.W. Crumb 1 Secretary
R.R. Brown 1 Treasurer
Ned Rockwell 1
W.J. Wildman 1
E.H. Barr 1
W.M. Reynolds 1
J.E. Gladding 1
Isaac Dalrymple, Otselic 1
H.J. Brown, Georgetown 1
J.F. Stoddard, Georgetown 1 Second Vice President
W.F. Wenright, New York City 75 General Manager
J.H. Scott, Hobart, N.Y. 32 Superintendent
Cortland Democrat
Friday, November 2, 1906
The Otselic Valley Railroad Company have a force of 40 Italians and 20 teams at work. Manger Wenwright stated that the road would be graded as far as Georgetown village by Saturday night.
Cortland Democrat
Friday, November 9, 1906
The Otselic Valley R.R.
Work Being Pushed Rapidly and Cars
To Run in Six Weeks
The Otselic Valley News says work on the Otselic Valley railroad is being rushed, and the amount of grading done is little short of marvelous considering that work had been begun only a week ago.
The grading is completed nearly half way from the station to Georgetown village, 1,600 loads of gravel were used in grading through the swamp in the rear of Tayntor's barn near where the work on the railroad commenced.
Mr. Wenright, the General Manager, estimates at the present rate of progress, that the road will be in operation between Georgetown and station in about four weeks, and on to Otselic in about six weeks.
Steam will be used for motive power temporarily. An engine and a passenger coach are expected the week. The railroad has bought of J. Floyd Stoddard his ouse and lot, including the barn at Georgetown. One of the buildings will be remodeled for a depot.
The contract for all the bridge work between Georgetown and the station has been let to Fred Wilcox of Georgetown. The surveyors who have been engaged for the past few days in making some changes in the route of the railroad have completed their work. C.H. Woodley, who assisted them is now on construction work.
Rights-of-way were bought Friday through farms belonging to Milton Thompson, Milo Thompson, Theron Humphrey and Charles Mathewson, which practical completes the work of securing right-of-ways.
The Otselic Valley R.R. Co. have opened an office in the Perkins block. The office is finely furnished.
Madison County Leader, Morrisville, N.Y.
Thursday, January 10, 1907
Georgetown, Jan. 8. - While Arthur Ellis, Edward Givens, Carl Elmer, Elwin Stevens and Clyde and Earl Buckingham were returning from Georgetown Sunday on a hand car over the Otselic Valley railroad the car left the track near D. W. Tayntor's with the result that Givens received a dislocated shoulder and all the rest sustained more or less serious bruises.
DeRuyter Gleaner
Thursday, January 17, 1907
Georgetown Station - Jan. 14. - John C. Cunio of Kingston, N.Y., came to this place on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, via the West Shore with 32 Italians to work on the O.V. R.R.
W. F. Wenright, General Manager, seems to have been the cause for the outfits coming from Kingston, but was not on deck to welcome them to their new home, neither to set them at work. They were a disappointed bunch and judging from their looks and actions some big swear words were in the unwritten evidence given.
It is safe to say that distance lent enchantment to the few, for some who are closely related in the work. The whole bunch returned to the place whence they came on Friday. Work was suspended for an indefinite period by the O.V. R.R. Co.
We hear that W. F. Wenright is denying himself the pleasure of associating with Georgetown people for the purpose of gathering p shekels to carry on the good work begin, and alter getting the barrel full, will return to push the work to completion. God speed the day.
Cincinnatus Times
Thursday, January 17, 1907
The Otselic Valley Railroad.
At a special meeting of the Directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co.held at their office in South Otselic, N.Y., on January 9, 1907, the following resolution was unanimously passed.
"Whereas, W.F. Wenright was elected at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., to the office of General Manager and whereas he has been guilt of misconduct and has violated the trustiest reposed in him, in that he has conducted the business of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., in a careless, negligent, illegal and improper manner, and that he has through his mismanagement and misconduct ruined the financial credit of the corporation, it is therefore
Resolved, that the said W.F. Wenright be and hereby is removed from the office of General Manager of the said Otselic Valley Railroad Co., for cause, and that all his powers and duties as such are hereby revoked."
(The first hitch came when it was found that Wenright had not secured permission from the state railroad commission to build and operate the ross. The discovery was made after about half the road had been graded and some of the rails laid.
It is also said the Wenright had purchased a locomotive, placed orders for cars and other materials and incurred liabilities far beyond what the assets of the company warranted.
Ugly things are reported about the manager, and it is the conviction of the stockholders that they have been badly buncoed. There is little question that suits will be instituted, and it will be some time before the affairs of the company can be straightened out. Waterville Times, January 1, 1907).
It appears that for some time, the directors of the Otselic Valley Co. have been dissatisfied with the management of the company's affairs by Mr. Wenright, with above action as the result. It is only fair to Mr. Wenright to say that he is absent at the present time and therefore is not in a position to defend himself.
It was also voted to discontinue work on the railroad for a time or until the affairs of the company are straightened out.
The directors are very much pleased with the progress made on the construction, and with the grading nearly half completed, a third of the track laid and the right of way was nearly all provided for, there appears no doubt but the road will be completed this coming summer. - Otselic Valley News.
Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown, N.Y.
Friday, January 18, 1907
South Otselic's railroad dream seems likely to to turn into a nightmare. The road was graded for nearly half the distance between that place and Georgetown, and rails were laid for a portion of the distance. Then the Railroad Commission stepped in and the promoter left, announcing that he was going to Albany to adjust the matter. Nothing has been head from him for several days, and the directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad on Saturday adopted resolutions declaring him deposited of all powers and authority.
Cazenovia Republican
January 24, 1907
The Otselic Valley Railway
Mr. Wenright the Promoter Put Out
Directors Adopt Resolutions Alleging Misconduct and
Mismanagement of Affairs. Construction Work Stopped. The People Philosophical.
Affairs concerning the Otselic Valley Railroad Company are in a chaotic state. The proposition of constructing a railroad through the fertile Otselic Valley was originated by several energetic businessmen.
Schemes were planned and although the project was propitious to definite action was taken.
Nothing was done until a violinist, by the name of Johnston, from New York, paid a visit to his mother at South Otselic. Hearing rumors of the projected railway, Johnston raised his fiddle bow and struck the first chords of the tune, which vibrated until actors came from the surrounding country and danced under the lime light.
Johnston believed in the scheme, and having a natural pride in his home town, decided to further the proposition, if possible. Bidding adieu to his friends he went to Stamford, N.Y. where he was engaged to play for the season.
Here he met a brother violinist by he nam of Scott to whom he talked of the railway. When Mr. Scott was not fiddling, he acted as timekeeper for W.F. We wright, a railway promulgator.
Thus the South Otselic matter struck a responsive chord and Scot to Wenright, who was at the time at Malone, N.Y., promoting a road between Hopkins Point and Fort Covington. At this time there was hitch in the legal affairs of this road so Mr. Wenright started for South Otselic.
He had been in the town but twenty-four hours when a meeting had been held and a stock company formed with Wenright as general manager and empowered to attend to all legal matters. Wenright reported to the Board of Directors that the Knickerbocker Trust Co. of New York would take the bonds for $144,000 at 90 cents on the dollar.
There was a plan to form a Construction Company but this being frustrated Mr. Wenwright assumed the cuties of constructor and general manager of the Otselic Valley Railroad Company. He gave his personal notes for which to begin construction. These notes were all endorsed by the directors of the road.
President Benjamin F. Gladding endorsed notes for $9,400. Mr. Perkins likewise endorsed for $800, and these with the returned checks make about $14,000 liabilities. With tis money Wenwright began construction of the railway which was to rom from village of South Otselic to Georgetown Station on the West Shore Railroad.
With a force of men he began surveying, grading, and procuring rights of way; built bridges and laid about three miles of track with second hand rails at the price of first class material.
These rails had previously been sent by the company of which they had been purchased to Georgetown Station and were paid for on delivery. Mr. Wenright with his hypnotic influence induced the relief agent at the station to let him have two car loads without pay.
With these he laid the three mies of track and by making affidavits that they were making a steam road got a switch in connection with the Chenango Branch of the West Shore Railroad.
About this time Manager Wenwright had raised all the money possible on the grounds that he would have to buy an engine and coach to run to Georgetown in order to float the first issue of bonds.
He then went to Brooklyn and purchased an engine of the Elevated Railway Co. and a coach. He sent the engine to Rome, N.Y. for repairs and the coach to Georgetown Station.
Most of the checks which Mr. Wenwright had given came back but he did not.
Time-keeper Scott who had been fiddling his time away and keeping the populace merry packed up most of his effects and joined his co-worker Wenwright. While telephone calls and letters from various points assured other people of their return they have not as yet made their appearance.
After Wenwright's disappearance a gentleman from Kingston arrived with fifty Italian labors that Wenwright had engaged. They were returned to their future habitation as no one was there to direct their work.
By this time the directors decide that immediate action must be taken and H.C. Stratton and V.D. Stratton of Oxford, N.Y. were engaged as attorneys for the company. Upon their advice the following resolutions were passed and M. Wenright deposed.
"Whereas, W.F. Wenright was elected at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., to the office of General Manager and whereas he has been guilt of misconduct and has violated the trustiest reposed in him, in that he has conducted the business of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., in a careless, negligent, illegal and improper manner, and that he has through his mismanagement and misconduct ruined the financial credit of the corporation, it is therefore
Resolved, that the said W.F. Wenright be and hereby is removed from the office of General Manager of the said Otselic Valley Railroad Co., for cause, and that all his powers and duties as such are hereby revoked."
An assessment was made on the stockholders, for which money paid the help. They also collected and stored the tools of the road and business is now at a standstill.
Several liens have been filed against the road. One of Burhans & Black of Syracuse for fish-plates, and spikes for $940. One by the Kelley Lumber Co. for ties, $624. One by Floyd Currier of Georgetown for ties and bridge lumber for $1,042.
The whole village is now in suspense and awaiting developments. There is a little question that suits will be instituted and it will be some time before the affairs of the company will be straightened out.
Madison County Leader, Morrisville, N.Y.,
January 24, 1907
Georgetown Station, Jan. 21. - Work on the Otselic Valley Railroad was suspended two weeks ago for various reasons, the principal one being there were no funds in sight with which to pay the workmen. It is predicted however, that on or about Feb. 1st matters will be so arranged that the work can be pushed to completion, if so desired by those who are most nearly connected with the undertaking.
Cortland Democrat
Friday, March 1,1907
Having Troubles of Their Own
Two Sister Villages - Cincinnatus and
South Otselic - Echange Sympathies
There are at present two village located within a few miles of this office that are very busy intending sympathetic greets. Cincinnatus and South Otselic.
It has been an open secret for some months that South Otselic, one of the best inland villages in the state, and the home of the largest fishline factory in the United States, if not in the world, wanted a railroad and very badly.
The news was not long in reaching the ears of one, W.F. Wenright, an alleged railroad promoter of skill and daring, who came with a supposed record of having built nearly thirty steam and electric railroads in various parts of the United States. As no one took the pains to ascertain the truth in this matter, his version was accepted for facts.
On the strength of these airline ventures a company composed of some of the leading business men in Chenango county was quickly formed and a sharer granted The Otselic Valley R.R. Co. October 6, with a capitalization of $120,00, the scheme being to build a railroad from South Otselic to Georgetown station to connect with the Chenango branch of the West Shore railroad.
W.F. Wenright was made general manager. The right of way was at last secured, survey made and the work of spiking down the rails commenced at Georgetown station, which went merrily on to the tune of the Dago dirge until about three miles of he road bed had been graded, or until the village of Georgetown was nearly reached.
Then something now down on on the program happened. George back into history we find that in the days of Napoleon "somebody plundered." It was so later on down in 1906. On January 9, 1907, a special meeting of the directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co. was held and the following resolution unanimous passed:
Whereas, W.F. Wenright was elected at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., to the office of General Manager and whereas he has been guilt of misconduct and has violated the trustiest reposed in him, in that he has conducted the business of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., in a careless, negligent, illegal and improper manner, and that he has through his mismanagement and misconduct ruined the financial credit of the corporation, it is therefore
Resolved, that the said W.F. Wenright be and hereby is removed from the office of General Manager of the said Otselic Valley Railroad Co., for cause, and that all his powers and duties as such are hereby revoked.
The Otselic Valley Railroad Co.
By B.F. Gladding, Pres.
Dewitt Crumb, Sec.
The dirge of the Dagos suddenly came to an untimely end, the promoter ceased to promote any further the interest of the Otselic Valley Railroad Co., although he "promoted" several little jobs of his own. At the same meeting it was also voted to discontinue work on the railroad until the affairs of the company could be straightened out. The grading had been nearly half completed and a third of the track laid, but this was all done without first having obtained permission from the railroad commissioners.
This is still a thorn in the side of the company, but it is hoped this will soon be obtained and South Otselic proposes to have a railroad yet. Just how much the promoter is ahead on the transaction is as yet a secret, but as a hard, cold winter is in sight, he undoubtedly provided for his future needs all right.
As a first class hypnotist there is not a stockholder in the Otselic Valley Railroad C. who will not swear that he heads the list over any thing that ever struck South Otselic. Straw checks was one of his favorite methods of paying bills, occasionally where there would be a bit of change coming his way.
In view of the fact that South Otselic needed sympathy the following touching poem from friends in Cincinnatus was son forthcoming:
A Railroad Poem.
South Otselic folks will realize long before grass
That prospects of a trolley are disappearing fast.
They've spent lots of dough and made a big racket
And now "Ben" has flunked, there's no boodle to back it.
They have fed it to us that 'twould soon come to pass
That our main thoroughfare would be grown up to grass,
That our days of prosperity would take to the shade
For Otselic would soon get three-fourths of the trade.
Yes, we've even heard it hinted our wells would go dry,
And our water from Otselic we'd have togo buy.
But alas and alack! How great is their fall;
We are told Wenright's picture is turned to the wall,
That the stock of the R.R. is watered for fair
And the funds for their scheme has gone up in the air.
Now there's Ed, far renowned for his good comment sense,
We've been told that his judgment is good on wire fence.
There is Rockwell, the landlord, a fine genial host,
There's no town in the valley, can e're hope to boast.
Of a better kept house or more bountiful table
When you pay him your bill write a check, if you're able.
Now of course we regret the untimely end
Of your cherished ambition. We our sympathy extend.
Just think of us, brothers, and dry up your tears;
And recall how we waited for full thirty years
From the time when from Cortland they threw up the grade,
Till the day when the track to our village was laid.
And during tis time we were paying or cash
To the memory of a railroad that had gone all to smash.
We trust and we hope that the future will tell
That when you get a road 'twill be called the D.L.
And that when from your town on a steam car you will go,
You will travel in company with sweet Phoebe Snow.
Now in building a railroad you must have for a starter,
If you wish to succeed, a bona-fined charter.
Please take no offense at this jumbled up rhyme,
Remember, we felt just as you do, one time.
Later on South Otselic got even. Cincinnatus held an election last week and voted no-license, the result being Landlord Bennett promptly closed the only hotel the town contains. A sympathizing South Otselic friend has penned the following tender lines for the occasion:
South Otselic may be rather slow
In building a railroad, that we all know;
However, we think for a town of its size
It's quite up-to-date in winning the prize.
As all other things are running quiet well,
And we never have yet to close our hotel.
But then its quite natural to crow when you can
And have a good laugh at the expense of a friend.
But often we've noticed, and 'tis very true
There's always a time when the is on you.
We may have a railroad before 1909
But if, we do not, it will not be a crime.
While we have no railroad nor you a hotel,
In Cincinnatus and Otselic we surely can dwell
For Ed with his auto and Ben with his car
Are kind to the people where ever they are.
And while we are waiting for them to appear
We'll go to Ned Rockwell's and drink lager beer.
There is Holden Mathewson and Ralph R. Brown,
Two very prominent men in our town.
Of their sympathy they will give right well
To the lone little town without a hotel.
So dry up your tears, dear friends, now do,
For we have our troubles as well as you.
The Democrat joins with both places in wishing that South Otselic will soon have its railroad and Cincinnatus a hotel as of yore.
Cortland Standard
Tuesday, December 8, 1908
The Otselic Valley railroad was practically all graded and part of the rail was laid when the "manager" and promoter, Mr. Wenwright, discovered that he had another important engagement and went to keep it. He never returned.
Right after tat the company became involved in financial difficulties, and the latest step in straightening the matter is the appointment of Mr. Clinton as temporary receiver.
Otsego Farmer
December 11, 1908
Eugene Clinton of Norwich, has been appointed temporary receiver of the Otselic Valley Railroad Company, which was organized in 1906 for the purpose of building a trolley road from Georgetown Station, south to South Otselic, a distance of about twelve miles.
The grading was done and trestles built near to Otselic, about half way, and rails laid nearly to Georgetown village, a distance of three miles. The only traffic over the road was a trip or two of a hand car. There are numerous debts outstanding for labor and material used in construction.
Judgments have been taken against the company, and it is upon the proceedings of the Kelly Lumber Company against the railroad company and the receiver appointed. A bond of$5,000 is required of the receiver.
Madison County Leader, Morrisville
January 28, 1909
An attempt is being made by the New York Central people to remove the rails from the right of way of the defunct Otselic Valley Railroad. When this road was built two years ago the rails were shipped subject to sight draft attached to bill of lading, but the wily "Capt." Wenright succeeded in laying them without making payment. The railroad company had to settle and therefore claim the rails. An attempt is also being made by the stockholders of the road to stop the work.
Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown, N.Y.
November 12, 1909
Otselic Valley Railroad
Eugene Clinton, receiver for the Otselic Valley Railroad, stated Monday afternoon at Norwich, that he had been in communication with a Western promoter who, after investigating condition in the Otselic Valley thoroughly, is satisfied that the railroad propose if properly financed and constructed, would he a paying proposition.
The property is now so tied up in liens and litigation that nothing can be done until some way of cutting the legal red tape can be found. One action is now awaiting a decision in the Appellate Division and when it is rendered in this case, it may be possible to move the matter along more rapidlly.
The Otselic Valley line was planned and construction work was begin between Georgetown station on the Chenango branch of the New York Central and South Otselic in the summer of 1906. Much of the grading was finished and the work of laying the tracks was well under way when operations were stopped.
The company had planned to build a line from Otselic to Norwich along the old Auburn branch of the Ontario & Western road following completion of the Georgetown-Otselic road.
Madison County Leader and Observer, Morrisville, N.Y.
Thursday, April 4, 1912
What appears to be the last chapter in the more or less stormy career of the famous Otselic Valley railroad is about to be written. The receiver, Eugene Clinton of Norwich has contracted for the removal of the rails with Edward Andrus of this place. They are to be sold for old iron.
Cazenovia Republican
April 18, 1912
Notice of Sale, Supreme Court, Madison County - In the matter of the receivership of the Otselic Valley Railroad Company, pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court duly made and entered in the Madison County Clerk's Office, will sell at public or at private sale, at Georgetown Station, at Georgetown, Madison County, New York, on the 18th day of May 1912, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, about two hundred tons of steel rails, spikes, fish plates, and a quantity of ties, track and other loose property belonging to the said undersigned as such Receiver, also the right of way so far as owned by the Otselic Valley Railroad Company and as such Receiver from Georgetown Station, Madison County, New York, to South Otselic Valley, Chenango County, New York.
Terms of Sale: 25 percent of the purchase price down, the balance when purchaser is noted by the Receiver or his attorney, of the confirmation of said sale by the Court.
Dated this 1st day of April 1912
Receiver of the Otselic Valley Railroad Company.
M.H. Kiley, Att'y for Receiver, Cazenovia, N.Y.
Madison County Leader and Observer
Thursday, May 28, 1912
Georgetown - Otselic Railroad
Partially Completed Line of Defunct
Company Sold at Auction.
Of the least procedure in the affairs of the Otselic Valley Railway Company, and which have been in the courts for several years, or since the project died abornin', through the promoter of the road absconding, our Georgetown Station correspondent writes:
Public sale of the Otselic Valley railroad property was made at this point on Saturday by receiver, Eugene Clinton, Esq., of Norwich. After closing out the rails, the right of way was sold to the highest bidder, the aggregate amount for both sales and bid on the whole lump, with the result that the property was sold for $4,740 to Louis Sarachan, representing the Rochester Iron and Metal company of that city.
Besides Eugene Clinton and Judge Stratton of Norwich, and Judge M.H. Kiley of Cazenovia, there were men representing various interests from Rochester, Syracuse, Cazenovia, Hamilton, South Otselic and Utica. Thus ends the dreams of the promoters of this deal, whereby many a poor man was badly taken in, besides some other with ample funds to fall back upon. The sale of the Otselic Valley railroad property will not be considered final until confirmed by the courts having jurisdiction over the matter. Local interests were well represented at the sale.
Says our Georgetown correspondent: "The right of way, rails and all that remain of the defunct Otselic Valley railroad was sold b the receiver, Eugene Clinton, at the depot here Saturday, to the Rochester Iron and Metal company for $4,740. Several parties here and at South Otselic are heavy losers in the company, chiefly through the operations of 'Capt.' Wenwright, who promoted the road."
Of the sale and future prospects of the enterprise, Monday's Utica Press has the following:
"Nathan & Kowalsky of this city are among the purchasers of the South Otselic railroad, which was sold at Georgetown, Madison county, Saturday. The sale was made by Eugene Clinton of Norwich, one of the receivers of the railroad company. The road was sold for about $5,000. The railroad purchased has been in the hands of receivers for the last two years. It was the plan to of the promoters of the road to make a steam connection between Georgetown, Madison county, and South Otselic.
"The company secured rights of way over 14 miles and made payments to about 40 farmers for land required for the construction of the line. In all about $40,000 was put into the construction work and securing the necessary land, but the company went into the receiver's hands before the road was put into operation.
"For the last two years the receivers have been in charge of the road waiting with the hope that some way could be devised to put the proposed line in operation. However, they soon tired of this game, and the road was offered for sale at public auction.
"The highest bid was made by A.E. Nathan of this cit. Besides Nathan & Kowalsky, the purchasers included Louis Sarchan of Rochester and Horton Brothers of Syracuse. Last evening Messrs. Nathan & Kowalsky said that they had no plans as to the future management of the company, nor had hey determined when an effort to set the line in operation would be made."
Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown
May 31, 1912
The South Otselic Railroad in Chenango County county, after having been idle for some time, has been sold at auction for about $5,000. The highest bid made was by A.E. Natham of Natham & Kowalsky of Utica. For the past two years the road has been in the hands of receivers.
In all about $40,000 was put into the construction work and securing the necessary lands from farmers, having secured a right of way of about 14 miles. The plan of the promoters of the road was to make a steam railroad from Georgetown, Madison County, to South Otselic. No plans have been made as to the future management of the company and whether it will be pushed or not is not known.