Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lackawanna Shops in Oswego

                The D.L. & W. Works.
Building New Coaches - Improving Trackage - Lots of Things Going On.
(From the Oswego Daily Palladium, Friday, July 30, 1875                          ____
      Mr. J.D. Remington, Paymaster of the Oswego Division of the D.L. & W. R.R., very cleverly showed us through the D.L. & W. works in Oswego yesterday afternoon, where there is no sign of depression and inactivity which most everybody is complaining of. One hundred mechanics are afforded constant employment on full time - a fact which indicates the value of these works to the town. Since last December these shops have been building five coaches for the Morris & Essex Division, along with keeping up the repairs to the rolling stock of this division, all of which work is done under the supervision of Mr. George Nelson, the competent and energetic foreman of the works.
     Two full sized, elegantly finished coaches for the M.& E. Division were sent out in May and another stands ready to be forwarded today. This coach is a model of elegance, being built, finished up and painted according to the regulation style of the D.L. & W. road. it is provided with a swinging panel ventilator at each end of the car (in the deck) and ventilators in the doors. The paneling and other wood decorations are of black walnut, ash, maple and cherry and the head lining, which is  very handsome, consists of a ground work of lavender with purple scrolls and border of scarlet, green, red, drab and gold. This work is done by Mr. David Brown, master painter - and he is the "boss" painter too in fact as well as by title.
    Another coach for the same division is in the paint shop, being finished off. It will be ready to ship on the 15th of August. In the wood shop stands another under the hands of the builders, which will be finished about the 1st of September. They are also rebuilding a coach for the Syracuse and Binghamton Division. The ordering of this work at the Oswego shop is considered a great compliment to the Oswego workmanship.
     Numerous improvements are going on in and about the shops, among which is the recent introduction of city water.
     Ald. Murphy, track master, has not been idle this season. He took us on to the "bob tail" and we ran up to the deep cut, through which he had laid as pretty a piece of track as can be found anywhere, and which affords double, single and broad gauge tracks through the cut. A new track is being laid from Himes's crossing down to the cut and the facilities for business in that quarter have been increased by the addition of considerable side tacking.
     It appears to us that the D.L. & W. is doing all that could be expected for the Oswego Division of the road, aside from the improvements they are making in their other possessions in Oswego.


  Elmira Star-Gazette,  February 10, 1963