Sunday, October 4, 2020

New York, Ontario & Western Station at Oneida, N.Y.

 An early view of a  New York & Oswego Midland train - possibly the first - at the station in Oneida - which was opened to the public on August 14, 1873.  The reason it was so large it housed the Northern Division offices as well as a restaurant. Subsequently an ornate cupola was added to the station.  Passenger service with Trains #9 and #10 between Oneida and Oswego was discontinued on December 15, 1931. The building survived until 1939 when it was closed and demolished. 

Same location about 1909. 
              ( Richard Palmer collection)

This picture was taken at the New York, Ontario & Western station in Oneida in 1912 when a flood occurred. 

New Book on Auburn Road, New You Central, Available!

The Auburn Road, by Richard F. Palmer and Kenneth E. May, traces the history of the Auburn Branch of the New York Central Railroad and its p...