Friday, November 6, 2020

Are They One In The Same?

Elmira Star-Gazette
Feb. 21, 1952

Mystery Shrouds Its Past:
Old Railroad Car Sits Out Years
On Slope Overlooking Breesport


Cortland (N.Y.) Democrat, Aug. 27, 1875

The New Dummy Engine.
    The new dummy engine and car for the Utica, Ithaca & Elmira Railroad., arrived this week, and is now in running order, and ready for business. It was built by one Clark, of Boston, and is about thirty feet in length. It is "No. 10," and is appropriately named "H.P. Goodrich," as it is to be used as a superintendent's and paymaster’s car.
    About thirty passengers could be accommodated in the car and upon the platform, which is large and roomy. It can run with equal ease either forward of
backward. The motive power is furnished by an upright boiler and engine at one end of the car, separated from the passenger compartment by a partition, so that the noise, heat or dust will not inconvenience the passengers. The engine is of peculiar construction, very neat and compact to form, and is built so that no jarring is felt by those in the car while it is in motion. It is provided with a bell, whistle, and all the accompaniments usually found on a locomotive.
    Our reporter enjoyed a very pleasant trip on the dummy yesterday morning with the General Agent and Master Mechanic of the road, and the car made from 18 to 20 miles per hour, with ease. It will undoubtedly prove a valuable addition to the rolling stock of the road.


  Elmira Star-Gazette,  February 10, 1963