Saturday, July 31, 2021

New York & Erie Railroad Locomotive No. 10, "Monroe"

 This is one of the oldest known photos of an early Erie locomotive (No. 10) built by William Norris in November, 1847  12 1/2” x 26” cylinders 60” drivers, weight 26,880 lbs on drivers, outside connected. Erie locomotive statement of Decembrer 26, 1861 said “switching Owego Yard.” Maintained at Susquehanna shops. Retired by 1875. (Railway & Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin #131, Autumn, 1974, P. 33)                                                    Tioga County Historical Society collection

Train Wreck at Seneca Falls

 Bad Railroad Accident in Seneca Falls By Richard Palmer    Prior to the merger of the Auburn and Rochester and Auburn and Syracuse railroad...