Sunday, April 3, 2022

Winter on the Hojack

 Winter scene near Richland in the early 1900s

                                                        (Halfshire Historical Society collection)


     Stuck Fast in Snow Drifts  - Winter on the Railroad

              (From the Oswego Palladium, Monday, Feb. 10, 1902)

       Passenger Trains Stalled Since Saturday


 Six of them Between South Richland and Charlotte -

One Contained Members of the Fifteenth Infantry

Bound for the Philippines - Thirty-six Hours from Watertown


  Six passenger trains were stalled in snowdrifts yesterday on  the R., W. & O. division of the New York Central railroad, operated  from this city, and an army of nearly a thousand men were engaged in  shoveling them out.

  At Fernwood, the first station south of Pulaski on the Northern division, a special train with about 200 soldiers of the Fifteenth Infantry, from Madison Barracks, bound for the Philippines, was  stalled in the snow and remained there up to last evening.  The men  were supplied with rations, and upon the steampipes they had an  arrangement for heating coffee. Passenger Agents Gridley and Hartigan  were aboard.

 The train due here from Watertown and Utica Saturday at 4:45  p.m. did not arrive until about nine o'clock last night. Conductor  Brumfield was in charge. The train had been stalled between Mexico  and Sand Hill. The snow there was reported to be fifteen feet deep.  Among the passengers on the train was John Hoffman, of Watertown, who  came to this city to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Louis  Brosener, which occurred today. He had been thirty-six hours on the  road and being a man advanced in years had suffered for want of  something to eat. A rotary plow from the main line of the New York  Central cut the way through the drifts and followed.

 The Wabash Flyer, conductor John T. O'Brien, due to arrive  here Saturday morning at eleven o'clock, was stalled in the drifts  near Red Creek from Saturday afternoon and had not been released at  10 A.M. today.

 The passenger train from Rochester, Conductor George Donovan,  due to arrive here at 12:45 P.M. Saturday, was stalled behind the  flyer and the train that should have reached here Saturday evening at  6:15 o'clock in charge of  Conductor Stewart was some place between  Wallington and Charlotte.

 Conductor Thomas D. Clooney who left here Saturday at 1:05 P.M.  with a train made up here bound for Rochester, spent Saturday night,  Sunday and part of today at least among the snow drifts of Hannibal.  Railroad men said this morning that unless there was a let up in the  storm along the western division that the four trains stalled there  would not be released before nightfall, if then.

 There was no train into this city over the Phoenix line after  2:30 A.M. Sunday. Conductor Daniel  R. Ryan left Syracuse Saturday  night at eleven o'clock with his train and after a hard run arrived  here at the hour above stated.

 The D.L.& W. road had two trains in yesterday. The first  arrived about 12:30 12:30 o'clock, four hours late. The next train  arrived in the evening two hours late.  Saturday night Conductor John  H. Roche got his train,  due to arrive here from Binghamton at 10:15  P.M. as far as the Kingsford farm. The snow in the long cut was solid  and deep. Gathering the passengers into the baggage car the train was  cut and the locomotives started with the baggage car for this city  while trainmen were left behind to guard the front and rear end of  the passenger coaches, Roche's forethought the passengers would  probably remained in the snow all night. After the way was broken the  passenger coaches came easy behind a shifting engine and were put  away in the yard.

 There was no Wabash train from New York over the O.& W.  yesterday. Because of the storm the train was shifted to the Central  tracks at Oneida and sent to Suspension Bridge by the main line. The  train east took the same route.

                      Bucking the Drifts

 The old wedge-shaped snowplows were of little use in the  attempt to get through the drifts of packed snow in the cuts during  the past few days. With two or three engines behind one a flying  start would be picked up and the plow would be buried in the drifts  at the rate of fifty miles an hour and there they would stick, with  the chance of jumping and landing crosswise of the tracks. The  rotaries or centrifugals do the only effective work in the succession  of storms such as we have had during the past ten days, but as there  is only on rotary plow on the R.W. & O. division it has been  impossible to keep it working on the various divisions of the road.  About five such plows for the R.W.& O. system would probably be able  to do more effective work.

                             About Snow Drifts

 Persons who have not traveled over the line of the R.W.& O. in winter have no conception of the snowdrifts.  At Kane's bridge, just  west of the city, the snow in the cut is even with the bridge, which  is twenty-six feet above the tracks. The cut was blown full of fine  snow and when the plows came along they kept throwing up banks on  either side until they were high above the stacks of the locomotives.  Wednesday noon last as the westbound passenger train was going  between these walls of snow the vibration loosened some at the top  and it fell between the train and the wall breaking our four of five  windows in the cars.

  At Red House cut it is reported that there were drifts twenty  feet deep and that the entire cut was filled with packed snow. Some  of the men who were taken out Wednesday last to work in the snow  complained bitterly. No provision had been made for feeding them and  they were kept at work steadily for twenty-six hours. They received  regular pay for the number of hours they worked.

  Roadmaster Burke was no satisfied the way the men were provided  for and he notified Superintendent Moore.  The result was that  yesterday morning the men went out in cabooses fitted up with stoves  and carrying a quantity of provisions, provided by the men  themselves. David Marlo had charge of the gag sent east yesterday  morning and Roadmaster Burke took charge of the gangs sent west.

                        Snow in Hunter's Cut

    The rotary plow, with Supervisor of Track Burke in charge, went  west last night about 9:30 o'clock and at 8:30 o'clock this morning  had just reached Hannibal, a distance of twelve miles. There were  fifty shovelers in the party and the train was composed of the rotary  plow, two cabooses and four engines. Almost from the start trouble  was encountered from the great drifts that filled he cuts.

  After several hours of continuous work the Kane cut was cleared  and the train proceeded. At other points on the drifts were encountered.

  Before leaving the city Supervisor Burke had a stock of coffee, bread, bologna and sandwiches put in so that the men might have  something with which to regale themselves after their battle with the  snow.

  From Hannibal, Supervisor Burke and his force will push on to Crockett's and dig out a snowplow crew which has been buried at  Hunter;s cut since Saturday night.

The plow was sent out with two engines Saturday afternoon, Conductor Bloomingdale being in charge of the train and Engineers Finn and Van Auken at the throttle.

  As many another snow-fighting crew has done, the plow pushed  into the cut at Crockett's came to grief. At last reports the plow  and engine were buried in twenty-five feet of snow and there was no  possible chance of getting them until a shoveling party arrived. The  plow is stalled about an eighth of a mile from Crockett's station and  from reports received this morning the crew was not suffering from  cold or lack of food.

    Hunter's cut is or of the most treacherous on the western  division. It is about 3,000 feet long and the snow is packed almost  solid to a height of twenty to twenty-five feet.

          Trains West of Charlotte

     This morning Trainmaster Halleran said that he would have the western division open late this afternoon. He was thus sanguine, he  said, because there is not a great quantity of snow west of  Crockett's. Supervisor Burke would, said in digging out the plow at  Crocketts, have the assistance of seventy-five shovelers, as he would  pick up twenty at Hannibal and he same number at Crockett's. Mr.  Halleran said that passenger trains are now running between Charlotte  and Suspension Bridge.

     The train from the east into Oswego last night was preceded by  the rotary, with Supervisor Philip Kelly and forty and forty  shovelers. The men were sent back to Watertown at midnight on a  special train.

     Besides the rotary there are four other plows at work on the  R.W. & O. Each of the trains is drawn by two engines. Mr. Halleran  says that the Phoenix line the storm is most felt between Fulton and  Woodard. Unless the storm breaks out afresh the company expects to  have all trains running by tomorrow.

             Movement of Trains Today.

      This morning, trains were near east on the R.W. & O. at the  usual hours. Trains were also sent out over the Phoenix branch. All  trains scheduled for the west were annulled. At 10:30 o'clock today  there hadn't been a train over the R.W. & O. lines.

                 Down the Lackawanna

     The trains on the Lackawanna railroad were about on time today.  The New York train, due at 8:35 A.M. , was only eleven minutes late,  and all the out-going trains left on time. At 12:30 o'clock  yesterday, the Lackawanna got the first train into Oswego. Up to that  time there was no railroad communication between Oswego and  elsewhere. The New York train left at 9:15 last, on time. Very little  trouble is being experienced on the Oswego and Syracuse division of  the road, and snow being found on the Syracuse and Binghamton division.

   Freight Agent Taylor said today that he would have all  freight trains in and cut of this city moving today.

                    Situation This Afternoon

  The noon train from Richland arrived about an hour late.  Passengers brought news that the main line from Richland to Rome and  north to Ogdensburg is open with trains running from thirty minutes  to an hour late.  The Syracuse Northern road is also open. The  special train with the soldiers on board was hauled back from  Fernwood to Pulaski yesterday afternoon and last evening a start was  again made for Syracuse. The Phoenix and Lackawanna roads are running  trains.

  There was no train from the west up to 1:30 P.M. today, but it  was said that the line would be open by evening and that all  passenger trains, due to arrive here Saturday last, will get through  by nightfall.

                The Street Railroad

     All roads leading to this city from the country are badly  drifted and only those who found it absolutely necessary were able to  get to town.  Nothing was done in the city yesterday towards clearing  off crosswalks by officials who look after that work. The city snow  plow, however, made the usual trips about the parks and citizens  generally cleared off their sidewalks, so that by afternoon there was  no difficulty for ladies to get about, excepting at crosswalks, where  drifts had formed.

     By hard work the street railway company kept its tracks open Saturday night. The snow plow was kept moving over them constantly.  Today Manager Arnold has a gang of men engaged in opening up the  Minetto branch of the street car line.