Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Early Days of the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad

The earliest passenger cars on the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad were  similar, but larger than the common stages of the day.  Initially they were drawn by horses.


   The Auburn & Syracuse Railroad was one of links in the "chain" of lines across the state that eventually became the New York Central. Construction of the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad in the mid-1830s forms an interesting chapter in the early development of internal improvements in central New York. From the beginning, it was an Auburn project. The idea of connecting this thriving community with the Erie Canal had been a popular topic of discussion as early as 1828.

   The original plan was to build a railroad from Auburn to either Port Byron or Weedsport. Various schemes, including the incorporation of a number of railroad and even canal companies, proved impractical and never materialized, and it wasn't until 1832 that the matter of building a railroad from Auburn to Syracuse was put on the table.

   Lobbying in Albany, with the support of state Sen. William H. Seward, resulted in the incorporation of the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad on May 1, 1834, with capital of $400,000. Auburn historian Henry Hall wrote that the venture "began existence under inauspicious circumstances. The construction of the railroad from Auburn to Syracuse was, from the broken nature of the ground over which a large part of it must necessarily pass, and from the retired and unfavorable location of Auburn, regarded in many places an act of unspeakable folly. Hundreds prophesied the total failure of the enterprise, predicting that ever dollar invested in the road would be a positive loss."

   Prior to incorporation, a preliminary survey had been made by two surveyors at the request of an exploratory committee. They reported that pursuant to instructions "we commenced our survey and leveling at the prison running thence in a northeasterly course 13 1/4 miles to a point on the Nine Mile Creek feeder, two miles south of Camillus Village, being 250 feet below the village of Auburn." They reported "the route from thence to Syracuse is favorable, as by reference being had to former surveys and estimates by the Canal Commissioners and others."

   "The soil," they said, "for a distance of 13 1/4 miles, as above, is in our estimation favorable, being along the descent of a ridge through much of the route, where gravel and limestone may be had in abundance."

   The company was organized Jan. 20, 1835. Stock subscriptions were quickly taken up. The engineering department was organized the following April, the Chief Engineer being Edwin F. Johnson. That summer, Johnson, assisted by Levi Williams, the resident engineer, prepared the necessary surveys and examinations preliminary to the location of the route. The line of the road was officially chosen on Aug. 22, 1835 and on Sept. 11, certificates of location were filed with the Cayuga and Onondaga county clerks.

   With these preliminaries out of the way, Hugh Lee, another civil engineer, proceeded to prepare contract specifications. Soon a temporary depot was erected near the southeast corner of VanAnden and State streets in Auburn. Work quickly got underway under the supervision of Colonel Levi Lewis, the first superintendent. On Aug. 22, 1835, Johnson advertised for bids for grading, masonry and bridges. Bids would be received until noon on Oct. 15. Plans for the different structures were available for examination at Johnson's office in Auburn. The bids were received and let, and worked commenced on May 1, 1836.

   The contract specifications for the wooden rails initially used were very specific. They called for one million board feet of Norway pine for rail timbers to measure 5.5 by 6.5 inches, in lengths of 18, 21, 24 and 27 feet, or of the same dimensions in yellow pine. Also called for was one million board feet of bed timbers of white cedar and chestnut, 4 by 8 inches, not less than 18 feet in length. Also needed were 50,000 cross-ties of white cedar, chestnut, white oak or red beech, 5.5 by 6.5 inches, 8 feet in length, and framed and ready to receive the rail timbers.

   Three fifths of the timber was to be delivered by Nov. 10, 1836, and the remaining supply by June 1, 1837, and deposited along the embankment, or along the south bank of the Erie Canal between Syracuse and Weedsport. The portions first delivered were to have been cut previous to March 15, 1836, and the balance either within that time or between Nov. 15, 1836, and March 1, 1837. The timbers were expected to be of high quality, free of knots and sap, except along one edge where it was not to exceed 1.5 inches in width.

  The company very wisely chose to adopt standard gauge of that time,  which was 4 feet, 8 3/4 inches for the tracks since it was to be a link in the chain of railroads from Albany to Buffalo. The exact length of the line was 25.73 miles. The total descent from the depot in Auburn to that in Syracuse was 271 feet, making an average descent of 10.54 feet per mile. The maximum line inclination of the grade line was 30 feet per mile, which extended only 8,600 feet, or a mile and a half, extending westward from the west side of Nine Mile Creek Valley near what is today Martisco. The railroad was generally straight, 62 percent being on on tangent.

   To tap the resources of the mills then existing along the Owasco Outlet in Auburn, a spur was built from the main line through Garden Street, Franklin and Seminary Streets to Genesee Street, where a freight station was  built. To get through these streets required 400 foot radius curves. This line could only be maneuvered with horses and was abandoned in 1841 after a permanent station was built at the corner of Chapel and State Streets. Except for three miles, this was originally laid out as a double track railroad.

As mentioned, wood was used primarily due to the scarcity of conventional railroad iron. Mudsills measuring 6.5 inches by 5.5 inches or 8 by 4 inches were placed in trenches. On these, crossties were laid three feet apart. The ties were 8 feet long and 6 feet, 6 inches squared, hewed out in the middle and ends tapered down. Wooden stringers 5.5 inches by 6.5 inches square were fastened with wedges by securing them in the notches of the crossties. The mudsills and stringers were of yellow pine, crossties were white cedar, and wedges were red cedar. The wedges were three inches across, 12 inches long and 1 1/8 inches thick on one end and 1/8 of an inch thick on the other end.

Opening of the railroad was celebrated on Christmas Day 1837 with an excursion from Auburn to Syracuse and return. The train consisted of several cars on which stagecoach bodies had been mounted, drawn by horses furnished by Col. John M. Sherwood, the renowned stagecoach proprietor.

                              Auburn Road’s ‘Other Station’

   A spur of the Auburn & Syracuse railroad was laid up Franklin street from the station near the prison to the livery stable now occupied by Mr. Doan, and those passengers who chose to do so, got off at the prison, while others preferred to ride up through Garden and Van Anden streets to the terminus on Genesee Street. The first cars were very small. They had doors at the side like a coach, and two seats facing each other, with places for six passengers in each car. There were usually three cars in a train and we were drawn by horses to and from Syracuse. 

  It was at the latter place I first saw a locomotive, sometime  one had been brought here. After the cars had begun to run with regularity the Auburn House was built and being near the railroad, it soon became a popular resort as passengers could get off at its door.

(From: Recollections of My Early Life in Auburn by Mrs. Deborah Bronson. Excerpt from a paper she read before the Cayuga County Historical Society on March 8, 1881. (Vol. 6, PP 96-7, Cayuga County Historical

Society Publications.)  Mrs. Bronson was the daughter of Robert Dill, who came to what later was Auburn, from Rome, N.Y.  in 1806.

From PP 35-36, "Reminiscences of a War-Time Statesman and Diplomat -1830-1915" by Frederick W. Seward. New York, 1916 (Knickerbocker Press)

"My father's family [William H. Seward] were invited to one of the early trial trips on the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad. Col. John M. Sherwood, the stage proprietor, and his family occupied the adjoining compartment in the one passenger car. Another was improvised by putting the body of one of Sherwood's stages on a platform car. Thus equipped, and drawn by horses, we made the journey to Syracuse in what seemed the marvelously short time of two hours and a half. "A few months later more cars were obtained, and two locomotives, the 'Auburn' and the 'Syracuse,' which were objects of admiration and curiosity all along the line. The locomotive whistle was a novelty, and the boys were of the opinion that the engineer must have very strong lungs to blow it so loudly. To ride with him was a delightfully dangerous privilege granted to only a favored few."

New York State Assembly Document No.191, dated February 23, 1842. 

Auburn and Rochester Railroad

September 14, 1840 - Opened Rochester to Canandaigua

January 18, 1841 - Closed for the winter

April 19, 1841 - Reopened Rochester to Canandaigua

July 6, 1841 -Opened to Seneca Falls

September 18, 1841 - Opened to Cayuga

November 4, 1841 - Opened to Auburn

Cayuga Patriot, Auburn, N.Y.

December 27, 1837

Auburn & Syracuse Railroad

On Monday [Christmas] we, upon the invitation of Col. Levi Lewis, the indefatigable agent of the railroad, in company with the president and several directors of the company, and several other gentlemen of our village, in all about 50, took a trip on this road. The company has two splendid passenger cars, of which 24 passengers can be seated with ease. The party left the depot in the village at 10 minutes past 11 A.M., and in 40 minutes were eight miles from town. The horses were then changed and we continued five miles farther, which is as far as the road is entirely complete - although it is nearly finished to the Canal at Geddes. After returning a short distance the party partook of refreshments which were abundantly provided before the party left Auburn. They then returned to this village, where we arrived at three o'clock, all highly delighted with the trip. It was truly a "Merry Christmas." Exclusive of stoppages we traveled about ten miles an hour. Each car was drawn by two of Col. Sherwood's best horses.

Cayuga Patriot, Auburn

January 10, 1838

Auburn & Syracuse Railroad Opened

This road is now completed 22 1/2 miles and on Monday, Jan. 8th, a party, composed of the stockholders of the Company, and several citizens of our village, upon the invitation of Col. Levi Lewis, the Agent, traveled over it the entire distance. Five cars crowded with passengers left the Depot in the Village about half past 9 A.M. About half way down, we met a car, loaded with citizens from Syracuse, which returned with us. The road passes through a most beautiful and romantic country. In the vicinity of the Nine Mile Creek, the scenery is truly sublime. Near the creek, on both sides of it, the road passes through inexhaustible beds of plaster through which a passage has been excavated at great depth in preparing for the superstructure of the road.

The Company have about 40,000 tons of plaster ready for transportation, which is worth $150 a ton. The Company owns 250 feet in width through the plaster mountain, and when it is understood that 40,000 tons were retained from the track of the road, some idea can be formed of the vast quantity of plaster owned by the company.

The party arrived at the road's termination at about 12:30 P.M. having stopped several times to view the scenery. The Company have [sic] made arrangements with Col. Sherwood to run cars, both directions, as far as the road is completed, to July next. Of the manner the party traveled from the termination of the road, to Geddes and Syracuse, as there were not half carriages enough for their conveyance, and of the dinner, &c., we shall omit to speak for reasons known to the party generally, especially to those who were left to last in getting at Rust's.

The party returned, and arrived at Auburn at 8:45 P.M., much pleased with their ride on the Rail Road.

                                         The "Diamond Car"

Auburn Journal and Advertiser

August 28, 1839

   The new car Auburn, intended for the use of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad was put upon said road during the past week. It is rather of a novel construction - the sides being built on the diamond principle, combining great strength and durability, and being at the same time, remarkably neat, and airy in appearance.

   It will accommodate sixty passengers with seats which are arranged on both sides of the car, each seat to hold two. A passage way passes through the center, leaving a door at each end. Altogether it comprises one of the greatest improvements in railroad traveling we have seen for many a day. 

Rochester Daily Democrat

August 28, 1839

   New Rail Road Car. - A day or two since, the Auburn & Syracuse Company, received a splendid new car, calculated to carry sixty passengers. It is a most beautiful specimen of strong and handsome carriage work. Its length is between thirty and forty feet, with two rows of seats, cushioned, with changing backs, calculated to set face to face or otherwise.   

  There are fifteen of these seats on each side capacious enough to seat two persons, with an aisle through the whole length of the car. The sides of the car represent mosaic or diamond work, gorgeously flowered and varnished, and lettered among the diamond squares on each side, with the name of Auburn.

   Rows of diamond-shaped slip windows line the sides, with other sliding apertures, for a free circulation of air in the warm weather. Nothing of the kind on any of our rail roads, from Albany west, equal this splendid traveling car, which can in cool weather, with a stove pile running through it, be made as comfortable as a drawing room.

   On seeing the convenient vehicle, destined to accommodate travelers, between Auburn and Syracuse, we could not but compare the ease and comfort of a ride now, with that of some years since, when you were compelled to get into a dirty, crazy post coach, to be drawn by four scare-crow horses, twenty-six miles through the mud, have to get out occasionally to walk up the hills and sometimes on a level spot, walk through mud and water, with a rail on your shoulder to be ready in case of emergency to assist in prying out the lumbering, crazy coach. All this, of course, by way of extra services, for the privilege of riding in the stage. We go for railroads.

   Yesterday the new car was put upon the road and left the depot with the others of the train for Syracuse. It was crowded full. We understand it cost between $2,200 and $2,300. This traveling palace was constructed at Harlaem, N.Y.*

   *Built by John Stephenson Car Company

                                    The Young Lion of the West

                                            By Richard F. Palmer


                                      Original sketch of the Young Lion of the West

One of the most interesting stories relating to pioneer railroading in the Finger Lakes region is that of a small steam locomotive built by the Rogers Locomotive Works of Patterson, N.J. in 1840 for the Auburn & Rochester Railroad, called the Young Lion of the West, which, coincidentally, was the early nickname of the city of Rochester.

   The Lion was built by Rogers about 1840 or '41 for the Auburn and Rochester R. R. Co., and was first locomotive that company owned - the Columbus being the second. The name it bore then was Young Lion of the West, and under this name, though small in capacity, did excellent service on the strap rail. As the machine was familiarly called the Lion by the railroad men, and as age grew on, the title of young became inappropriate, all was dropped of the name save Lion.

   When the Lion was in his glory, John Ashley and N. C. Martin, veteran engineers, used to hold the reins over the king of the forest. When larger locomotives superseded the Lion, and after serving the company ten years or more, he was sold to the Watertown and Rome Co., and used on their railroad as a repair engine. (From Rochester Union & Advertiser, Thurs., May 20, 1858.)

   This story is woven together through a series of newspaper accounts. Before getting into this, however, it seems fitting to give a bit of history of the so-called Auburn Road. The original segment was the Auburn & Syracuse which was opened between those two places in 1838. The Auburn & Rochester Railroad was completed between Auburn and Rochester in November, 1841. They were consolidated in 1850 to form the Rochester & Syracuse Railroad Company, which in turn became a segment of the New York Central in 1853.

  The Auburn Road was a busy rail line for more than a century, and what remains continues to be very active under the management of the Geneva-based Finger Lakes Railway. The New York Central operated passenger trains on the line until May 18, 1958, which was followed by a long and steady decline.

  It was abandoned between Victor and Pittsford in 1960; Canandaigua to Victor in 1978, and Pittsford to Rochester in 1982. It was operated by Penn Central from 1967 to 1976 and by Conrail, April 1, 1976, to July 1, 1995, after being purchased by Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Ontario Counties, and turned over to the Finger Lakes Railway, along with the remaining segment of Lehigh Valley mainline, about 15 miles, Geneva to Kendaia.

  The first article, from the Syracuse Courier of Feb. 25, 1881, tracks the history of the locomotive and the early history of the railroad in Central and Western New York. It was contributed by "A. T. B." of Rochester :

Many Years Ago - The Early Days of Railroading in Central New York

(Syracuse Courier, Feb. 25, 1881)

  The Auburn and Rochester Railroad was chartered in 1836, and the right of way having been obtained over the greater part of the route, ground was broken and work begun at Slab Hollow, a place near Fisher's Station, in 1838. The length of the road when first opened, was twenty-nine miles, namely, from this city to Canandaigua.

 The total cost of construction, including fences, depots, locomotives, cars, etc., was $1,012,783. Books for stock subscription were opened August 2, 1836, at villages along the line. Prompt and liberal subscriptions were taken as follows: Rochester, $58,000; Canandaigua, $146,000; Geneva, $108,500; Seneca Falls, $122,900; thus giving a total of $595,000. In 1836 a meeting was held in Lyons to consider a railroad through Palmyra, Lyons, Clyde, etc., to Syracuse.

  The contract for grading the seventeen miles east of this city was let to Messrs. Vedder, Vedder & Co. Hiram Darrow, a Seneca farmer in Ontario, was the boss and was afterwards appointed conductor for the road. Bartholomew Vrooman, of Canandaigua, was foreman of the track gang. In 1840 the first locomotive arrived for the road. It was named the "Lion," from the fact that William Failing, the veteran conductor, while standing beside the engine in the shop, cut the picture of a lion out of a circus bill and stuck it on the locomotive, whereupon the superintendent had the name painted upon the engine.

 This engine was put upon the track at Cartersville, where it was landed from a canal boat. Other locomotives for this road were the 'Ontario' and 'Columbus,' named by William Failing, and the 'H.B. Gibson.' On September 8, 1840, the first time table was published, trains leaving this city at 4 A.M. and 5 P.M., and on their return leaving Canandaigua at 6 A.M. and 7 P.M.

  On September 10, 1840, the first train was run over the road. It was a passenger train and was drawn by the locomotive Lion, in charge of Asa Goodale as engineer, who is still living in this city. Mr. Failing is the oldest conductor in the United States, and can boast that an accident never happened to a train in his charge.

  The first coaches used on this road were from the car shops at Lyons and Utica, and came via the Erie Canal to this city. They were unloaded at the United States Hotel and drawn to the Central depot by horses. On October 10th, 1840, the first train carrying freight was run over the road. It came to this city from Canandaigua. It was drawn by the locomotive Ontario, in charge of Engineer William Hart, who is still living and acts as engineer for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad at Buffalo.

  On July 5, 1841, the first excursion train was run over the road. It was drawn by the locomotive Ontario. The locomotive Lion, after being used on their road for ten years or more, was sold to the Watertown & Rome Railroad. Its boiler exploded, killing a man, May 19, 1858. The first eight-wheeled car used on this road, and also the first one built in this city (Rochester), was put into service about the year 1842. It was built where the Central depot now stands, by the firm of Kerr & Cunningham, the latter being the well known carriage builder of this city.

  The car was painted by George Arnold, and the first fare on this car was collected by William Failing, conductor. The first accident on this road occurred to the passenger train which left Canandaigua for Rochester on May 5, 1841, drawn by the locomotive Henry B. Gibson, in charge  of Engineer Dion Stiles. When going over a culvert a quarter of a mile north of Railroad Mills, the engine jumped the track and went down an embankment of twenty feet with the engineer and fireman on board.

  The train was left on the track, owing to the breaking of the coupling that connected the tender of the locomotive to the train. The engine was turned upside down and completely wrecked. The engineer escaped injury, but the fireman, was caught in the cab and fatally scalded. The cause of the run off was the elevation of a 'snakehead' on the old strap rail.

  In November, 1841, this road was opened to Auburn. The depot in this city, a long wooden shed containing six tracks, stood on the site of the present depot. It was in this depot that the locomotives were housed, a turn table being just west of the depot. The present structure was built in 1851 by C. A. Jones. The first explosion of a locomotive in this city occurred September 12, 1859. It was the locomotive Ontario, No. 139, in charge of the late Stephen Hanford and Fireman Barcley Murray, who is at present engineer on locomotive 455. The engine was used as a shifter.

  Just west of State Street its boiler exploded. The engineer and fireman seeing the escaping steam reversed the lever and jumped.

 The engineer, Mr. Hanford, was thrown to the ground and badly injured, so much so that the amputation of his right leg below the knee became necessary. He remained in the company's service for many years. The fireman was blown by the force of the steam through the fence and into an adjoining lot.

-- A. T. B., Rochester

The Ontario Repository, Canandaigua, N.Y.

Sept. 16, 1840

The Railroad - A train of cars (composed of the engine Young Lion and one baggage and one passenger car) left Rochester for this place on Thursday, Sept. 10, but did not get through, owing to some hindrances on an unfinished part of the track. On Saturday evening the locomotive, with three cars, came in, and left for Rochester on the following morning."


Railroad Excursion

One of the most interesting first-hand accounts of an excursion train from Rochester to Seneca Falls appeared in the Rochester Daily Democrat on Tuesday, Tues., July 14, 1841

On Saturday last, the Directors and Stockholders of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad Company, resident in this city and the several villages through which it passes, accompanied by the Corporations of the several places, their ladies, and the Editors of the daily papers of this city (ahem!) made a delightful excursion to Seneca Falls, a distance of 62 miles. The company which left this city numbered about one hundred, and increased to nearly twice that number before it reached the point of destination. Four superb passenger cars left this city at half past eight o'clock, drawn by the locomotive "Young Lion of the West," which had been very appropriately detailed for that service.

The day was beautiful—one of those which at this season of the year frequently succeeds a heavy rain, which had been falling through the night, and had left every thing in its freshest and loveliest garb. The fears of a rainy day created by a cloudy morning, were dissipated before the hour of departure, by the wind changing into the north, breaking up the reign of the Storm King, and scattering the fleecy clouds—the shadows flittering over the plains and hills scarcely keeping pace with the Young Lion until the clear blue became predominant, and all nature seemed to keep jubilee with us in victory which the ingenuity of man has achieved in overcoming distance and binding together more strongly the different portions of our continent.

  Such was the rapidity of our flight, that in looking out upon the fields and forests through which we passed, it was no fancy to imagine every object around as in one grand whirlpool, hurrying off to be succeeded by new circles. Scarce had we time to recover from these reveries, before we were passing Brighton Corners, and the splendid groves and farms which constitute the beauty and wealth of that thriving town. The lazy motion of here and there a deeply laden canalboat, seemed in comparison too snail-like to deserve contempt.     We soon passed that comfortable retreat, the Monroe Springs, and in a moment were halted at Pittsford, where we received the first accession to our happy number.

  Leaving Pittsford, the road passes through sand hills and over short embankments until it crosses the canal at Cartersville, a few rods from the Great Canal Embankment, and nine miles from Rochester. Here is a fine spring of soft water, where the "Young Lion" slaked his thirst, and a few more joined us. A little onward, following the western side of the valley of the Irondequoit, we passed the "Railroad Mills," where good flour may be made, but not yet in quantities large enough to excite the apprehension of our millers that they will there very soon meet with a successful rival.

 The sudden change of scenery along this valley is an object of interest to the lover of nature—scarcely noticed, however, before passed, and Victor, with its spires and neatly painted dwellings, is in view, at the distance of half a mile to the left. Here also the Young Lion found another spring of soft water, none other being allowed him, for fear of choking his pipes (Considering his speed and bottom, what an argument is this for cold water men!)

  The gravelly hills and ledges of rocks through which the road has been constructed to the edge of Bloomfield, might interest a geologist, but we had no time for such investigations, the fine farms in that town and Farmington were soon passed, and Canandaigua in all its loveliness was in full view. At this place we received a large delegation, and well might her citizens feel proud of the occasion. To her capital, enterprise and perseverance are the public mainly indebted for the projection and speedy construction of a work which brings her within two hours travel of this city and in the immediate vicinity of the large villages at the east.

  From this point, the road passes down the Outlet of the Canandaigua lake to Manchester—within a few rods of Clifton Springs—between Hildreth's old stand and Flint Creek (another watering place) a little north of Vienna—between Oaks' old stand and the Phelps meeting house—and thence in nearly a straight line to the north end of Water Street, Geneva. The grading is made between these two villages for a double-track, and some of the way the workmen were putting down the rails. A double-track is necessary here, as well for passing the trains between Auburn and Rochester, as for the great amount of freight to be transported east and west on this section.

  At Geneva, we found a fifth car, well filled with those who were on the same errand as ourselves; and after hitching on and giving our inveterate drinker a taste of the pure waters of the blue Seneca, we moved forward, but not without casting many a longing, lingering look behind at the beautiful village of Geneva, which it was impossible, with our other engagements, to visit on that occasion as we should wish.

 The road here snakes a short curve, taking the straightest practical route to Waterloo, passing a little west of the jail in that village, and in Seneca Falls, also a little west of the center of business in that thriving place.

  The Auburn and Rochester Railroad passes through one of the finest portions of the State, and at this season of the year, when "the fruitful fields laugh with abundance," what could be more interesting than such a trip, so politely furnished, and participated in by those who all appeared in the right mood to enjoy it. The cars on this road are universally admired for the ease of their motion—being suspended on springs—and the stillness with which they run enabling the passengers to converse without much difficulty. The seats are remarkably easy, and a passage through the center affords an opportunity for sociability among those congregated in the different parts of the train. The track of the road is comparatively smooth and even, while the Agents are prompt, attentive and obliging, and every precaution is taken to prevent accidents.

 The Depot Building on the west side of the Genesee River at Rochester, is one of the largest and most commodious in the United States. The bridge crossing the river a few rods above the Great Falls, is open, affording from the cars one of the most romantic views to be found in the world. This grade is so low that it passes by a deep cutting under St. Paul Street.

 The whole road when completed, which will be the first of November next, with the requisite locomotives and cars, will have cost, we are told, from one million to eleven hundred thousand dollars, and the stock before January next must be worth from $110 to $120 a share. No one acquainted with the amount of business to be transacted aside from the passengers and mails, can doubt the correctness of this opinion.

 We were four hours in reaching Seneca Falls, where we took dinner. On our return we spent an hour at Canandaigua very pleasantly, and during the whole excursion, every thing conspired to render it all that could be expected, and one long to be remembered.

Seneca Falls Democrat

Thursday, September 30, 1841

  Accident on the Railroad. - On Monday last, a serious accident occurred on the Auburn and Rochester Railroad, near Penfield. We learn that one of the iron bars or rails* having come loose, the end raised, and the locomotive running against it, both the locomotive and the tender were thrown off the track, and precipitated down an embankment of twelve or fifteen feet. One of the firemen was instantly killed, and two other persons seriously though not dangerously wounded. No blame is attached to any person.

* Commonly known as “snakeheads.”

The Demise of the "Lion"

New York Reformer, Watertown, N.Y.

Thursday, May 20, 1858

Another Man Killed

  The engineer and fireman of the small depot engine "Lion," were out near Cape Vincent last Saturday fighting a fire which was threatening to do damage, and just as the fireman stepped to his place to "fire up," the boiler head burst out, and literally blew his body to atoms. His name was Peter Runk, lived at the Cape, and leaves a wife and eight children. He was very industrious, a sober man, aged about 40. The engineer, not being on the engine, was uninjured.

The Lion Locomotive

Rochester Union & Advertiser

Thursday, May 20, 1858

  We copied yesterday from a Utica paper a report of the explosion of the locomotive Lion, on the Watertown & Rome Railroad, by which a man was blown into fragments. The engine which has thus terminated its career in a tragical way, once belonged in this city, and is perhaps as well known to the railroad men as any other in Western New York. The Lion was built by Rogers about 1840 or '41 for the Auburn and Rochester R. R. Co., and was first locomotive that company owned—the Columbus being the second.

  The name it bore then was Young Lion of the West, and under this name, though small in capacity, did excellent service on the strap rail. As the machine was familiarly called the Lion by the railroad men, and as age grew on, the title of young became inappropriate, all was dropped of the name save Lion. When the Lion was in his glory, John Ashley and N.C. Martin, veteran engineers, used to hold the reins over the king of the forest. When larger locomotives superseded the Lion, and after serving the company ten years or more, he was sold to the Watertown and Rome Co., and used on their railroad as a repair engine. In this capacity he has been sacrificed, and with him a human life.

The Lion Locomotive

Utica Morning Herald

Saturday, May 22, 1858

  The Locomotive Lion,  which terminated its existence in a tragic manner the other day on the Watertown & Rome Railroad, had quite a history and was well known to railroad men. It was built by Norris about 1840 or 1841 for the Auburn & Rochester Railroad, and was the second locomotive the company owned.*

  The name it then had was Young Lion of the West, and although small in capacity it did excellent service on the strap rail. As the machine was familiarly called the "Lion" by the enginemen, the title of "Young" became inappropriate, and was dropped of the name save Lion. When larger locomotives superceded it, and after serving the company 10 years or more, the "Lion" was sold to the Watertown & Rome Company and was used on their road as a repairer engine. In this capacity it terminated by an explosion, costing a human life.

* Apparently there was a lapse of memory on the part of whoever the newspaper had interviewed. The Lion was the first locomotive on the Auburn & Rochester and was built by Rogers in Sept., 1840, (C/N 23) 12x18"x54". The second locomotive, also a 4-2-0, was the Ontario, built by Norris in 1840, not the Lion as stated in the article. Norris also built in 1840 for the A&R the Columbus, and the Henry B. Gibson. According to a roster of locomotives dated Sept. 30, 1856, the "Lion" or No. 12, went into service on the Watertown & Rome in June, 1852. Its weight is given as 13 tons with 10-inch bore cylinders, 48" drivers; 7-ton tender, 1,000 gallons water capacity; had run 6,327 miles during the year, and was reported in "Good" condition.

The History of Ontario County, N.Y., (Phila., 1876) p. 57, also erroneously states the Lion was built by Norris. "A 'pony engine,' named the Young Lion, built at the Norris shops, was the first locomotive placed on the road. It was brought on a canal-boat to Cartersville, as were the second and third engines, the 'Ontario,' run by William Hart, and the Columbus, by Mr. Newell."

Another secondary source regarding the Lion is a somewhat embellished and fanciful tale from Edward Hungerford's The Story of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad (Robert McBride & Co., New York 1922), pp. 43-44, which gives another source of origin:

It had started operations with four tiny second-hand locomotives which it had garnered chiefly from New England—the Lion, the Roxbury, the Commodore and the Chicopee. Of these the Lion was probably the oldest, certainly the smallest. It had been built by none other than the redoubtable George Stephenson, himself, in England, some ten or fifteen years before it came into Northern New York. It was an eight-wheeled engine, of but fourteen tons in weight. So very small was it in fact that it was of very little practical use… Louis L. Grant, of Rome, who was one of the road's first repair-shop foremen, finally took off the light side-rods between the driver—the Lion was inside connected, after the inevitable British fashion, and had a V-hook gear and a variable cut-off—and gained an appreciable tractive power for the little engine.

But, at the best, she was hardly a practical locomotive even for 1851. And soon after the completion of the road to Cape Vincent she was relegated to the round-house there and stored against an emergency. That emergency came three or four years after the opening of the line. A horseman had ridden in haste to the Cape from Rosiere—then known as LaBranche's Crossing—with news of possible disaster.

"The wood-pile's all afire at the Crossing," he shouted. "Ef the road is goin' to have any fuel this winter you'd better be hustling down there."

Richard Starsmeare was on duty at the roundhouse. He hurriedly summoned the renowned Casey Eldredge, then and for many years afterwards a famed engineer of the Rome road, and Peter Runk, the extra fireman there. Together they got out the little Lion and made her fast to a flat-car upon which had been put four or five barrels filled with water to extinguish the conflagration. It would have been a serious matter indeed to the road to have had that wood-pile destroyed. It was one of the chief sources of fuel supply of the new railroad. The Lion, with its tiny fire-fighting crew, went post-haste to LaBranche's. But when it had arrived the farmers roundabout already had managed to extinguish the flames. Case Eldredge reached for his watch. "Gee," said he, "we shall have to be getting out of this. The Steamboat Express will be upon our heels. Peter, get the fire up again."

Peter got the fire up. He opened the old firebox door and thrust an armful of pine into it. The blaze started up with a roar. And then the men who were on the engine found themselves lying on their backs on the grass beside the railroad....

They plowed the Lion out of the fields around LaBranche's for the next two years. Her safety-valve was turned out of the ground by a farmer's boy a good two miles from the railroad. Starsmeare got it and carried it in his tool-box for years thereafter—he quickly rose to the post of engineer and in the days of the Civil War ran a locomotive upon the United States Military Railroad from Washington south through Alexandria to Orange Court House.

So perished the Lion. The little Roxbury's fate was more prosaic. With the flanges upon her driving-wheels ground down and her frame set upon brick piers she became the first power-house of the Rome shops. The Commodore and the Chicopee were larger engines. With their names changed they entered the road's permanent engine fleet.

Rochester Daily Democrat

Wednesday, October 7, 1840

   The locomotive on the Auburn and Rochester Railroad, on the evening of the 5th inst. ran over a cow about a mile this side of Canandaigua, and which threw it off the track. We are happy to state that no person was injured.

Auburn Journal and Advertiser

December 16, 1840

The undersigned take pleasure in stating that yesterday afternoon they left this place in a train of seven cars, propelled by the new locomotive engine OWASCO, and from Auburn to Syracuse, a distance of 26 miles in a short time of 58 minutes, including all stoppages. The trip was made by Mr. Williams, Supt. The engine started with 80 lbs. pressure. This beautiful wrought and highly finished piece of machinery was built the past season in Auburn and reflects much credit upon its able builders, Dennis, Thomas & Wood.

W.B. Wood, P.N. Rust, J.S. Doty, J. White, J. Seely, E. Buckbee, W.D. Stewart, H. Bults, R.G. Benedict, H. Storms. Auburn, Dec. 8, 1840

Auburn and Rochester Railroad

Rochester Daily Democrat

Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1841

  A correspondent of the New York Star confirms what we said in our notice of the excursion to Seneca Falls, respecting the superiority of this road and the great value of its stock. As a correspondent in our paper, lately finding fault with the managers for what he then supposed their refusal to carry the mail, remarked that the State Loan to the Company was based "upon the doubtful security of their road," perhaps we ought to say that in our opinion the remark must have been inconsiderate - at any rate we do not see what could render "the security" of the Road "doubtful," - and if any disagree with us, we refer them to the facts set forth in the following extract from the article in the Star:

Geneva is now a place of deposit for the quantities of coal from the Blossburgh mines, - the transportation of which will much augment the revenues of the railroad. Passing eastward through Waterloo, we reached, about 11 A.M., the village of Seneca Falls, which is the present termination of the road, and is distant 63 miles from Rochester. The remaining part of the road to Auburn will be finished in October.

 This is a good road and substantially constructed, - it is by far the smoothest road in the State on which I have travelled. The road from Rochester to Seneca Falls has now been in use a fortnight, and the increase of travel is astonishing. The way travel between the flourishing villages on the line of the road will more than equal our expectations.

 The daily receipts equal about $500. The fare is established twenty percent less than that which the company can legally charge, suppose, therefore, the cost of the 63 miles completed to be $1,000,000, which it has not exceeded, $500 per day would be $182,000 per annum. Add to this the sum which the Postmaster General offers for transporting the mail, and this road, it must be perceived, yields already within a fraction of 20 percent per annum on its cost.

 When the entire road is finished, I have no doubt that the receipts will verify original estimates of the engineer, Mr. Robert Higham, which promised a gross income of 27 percent, and a net income of 18 percent, per annum. The stock of this company has not found its way to the market; and this is a good symptom. I understand none can be purchased of the country stockholders. Indeed it is at this moment equal in value to the stock of any railroad in the country. A dividend will be declared on the 1st of next January.

The Mails and the Railroad

Rochester Daily Democrat

Tues., September 14, 1841

  Our patience is in a fair way to be taxed to its utmost, by the irregularity of the mails. The railroad controversy is settled, but the mail arrangements must be carelessly managed.

On Saturday the train ran over a horse, by which accident it was delayed ten hours beyond its usual time. As if that were not enough, the mail bags upon their arrival in this city were suffered to remain upon the ground near the depot nearly three quarters of an hour before they were sent to the Post Office making eleven hours as good as lost to many of our business men who were thronging the Post Office for their eastern correspondence, while we, printers were obliged to wait all day for the latest news. The evening train did not fare much better, having exhausted all its wood between Seneca Falls and Canandaigua which occasioned another three hours.

  We really hope that here the "chapter of accidents" will end, and that if the mails do not arrive regularly it will not be the result of carelessness and neglect.

Rochester Daily Democrat

Wednesday, September 15, 1841

 Our patience had an additional trial yesterday in another vexatious delay of the mail. The morning train due at 6 o'clock, arrived about two and brought no mail in consequence of having run over a cow the night before, which prevented the train from proceeding to Seneca Falls, where the mail was probably waiting.

Rochester Daily Democrat

Monday, November 11, 1841

  No mail was received in this city on Saturday evening, in consequence of the locomotive running off the track near Seneca Falls in open day light! We understand that there was little or no injury done, although the cars barely escaped being precipitated into a chasm of sixty feet in depth.

  This accident, as well as those which have already happened on this road, it is said, was caused by the unaccountable negligence of those who have the management of the train.     The greatest dissatisfaction prevails, both with the traveling public and those who reside along the line, in relation to the management of this road. If the Directors would not have another route taken altogether, they will see to these matters in the future.

Perils by Railroad

Roman Citizen, Rome, N. Y.

Tuesday, November 16, 1841

 Among the many chances of disaster upon the modern avenue of communication, we have to record a novel mishap upon the Auburn & Rochester road, which caused the detention of the cars, for several hours, on Friday Last.

  In crossing the new railroad bridge across Cayuga lake, the train was brought to a dead 'halt' in consequence of a vessel having got aground while passing under the drawbridge on that link of railroad bridge; all hands on board the train had to turn out, dark and cold as it was; and after many hours spent in helping to unload the heavy freighted vessel, she was got afloat and moved off so as to allow the draw bridge to fall into its usual track—and the train, with its grumbling passengers, to go on, after a detention of eight hours, under very vexatious circumstances. —Buffalo Commercial

Editorial Grievances in the Traveling Line

Seneca Observer, Waterloo, N. Y.

Wednesday, January 13, 1848

  On Tuesday last, business called us to Utica, which was to be transacted, if done at all, that day. Disregarding the admonitions of experience in railroad traveling, we started on Tuesday morning in the train which leaves here at 1:30 a. m. When within a half mile of Seneca Falls, the train stopped and soon after the Collector announced to the passengers, the engineer had passed two water stations without replenishing the boiler with water, and that it was impossible to go a step farther.

  Seeing it could have made matters no worse, there was a general and profound statement of regret that the boiler had not bursted, and carried the Engineer where he ought to have gone. As it was, a new engine was procured from Cayuga Bridge, and we started from our resting place about daylight, and arrived at Auburn a little after 8 o'clock.

  The train had left Auburn, and to inquiries as to the probability of getting forward, the gentlemen connected with the railroad there, with their characteristic regard for truth, informed us that the passengers would be sent on as soon as the passenger train arrived from the east, and would get to Utica before dark.

  Very foolishly confiding in these assertions, we did not return home in the morning train. Hour after hour passed, and there being no signs of moving, we abandoned the idea of going East, and spent the day in surveying the beauties of Auburn, among which was the magnificent stone building which adjoins the Depot is very prominent.*

We were forcibly struck with the idea that it was an excellent place to keep railroad engineers in, who did not know enough to take care of their own lives, and the lives and property of others. We were likewise surprised, with such a monitor constantly before them, the railroad officers there cultivate truth so little.

  On our return home in the evening, the Collector, probably thinking he had no moral right to do it, did not ask us for pay; and as we thought the same, we did not offer him any. We are glad to find that the Company has such a conscientious officer in their service.

*Auburn State Prison

Syracuse Daily Star

Monday,  December 11, 1848

Auburn and Syracuse Rail Road.

Mr. Editor - Sir: Having had occasion the last few months, to pass over the A.& S. R.R. I beg leave through your widely circulated journal, to say that the gentlemanly treatment of the conductors, Messrs. Frink and Smith of the road, the perfect safety, and go-a headitiveness manifested by Grant & Smith, the engineers of the "Wyoming" and "Varnum," is a perfect guarantee to the passengers of pleasure and business, that when they are ahead all is well. I must also beg to say, that our friend Fargo, of the Freight Train is fully competent to discharge the duties pertaining to that department, to the entire satisfaction of the business community.

My old friend A.G. Williams is one of the Railroad men, practically so; his long acquaintance and experience in building and relaying the road, the past season, is a source of pride to his numerous friends, and the public comment fully appreciate his forte, unless like your humble servant, he has rode on his road, and knows the men.

Yours, &c.

 Western State Journal, Syracuse, N.Y.

Wednesday, June 12, 1839

   Rail Road Ride. - On Tuesday of last week, a single track of rails having been completed, on the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad, a large party of gentlemen from Auburn came down in the Cars on a pleasure excursion. The party were joined here, and had a Dinner served up, speeches were made, &c.  The whole affair passed off with much good feeling.

   The ride and doings on the occasion are thus decribed by the editor of the Auburn Patriot, who was one of the party: “We, in company with a large number of our citizens, including Gov. Seward and the officers and stockholders to the company, left the depot in this village at 8 minutes before 12 noon, and arrived at Syracuse, 26 miles, at 20 minutes after 1 P.M. including 20 minutes in stoppages, making the running time 1 hour and 8 minutes.

  " A little after 2, the party sat down to a sumptuous dinner at the Syracuse  House, prepared in Mr. Rust’s best style, and after the cloth was removed, a large number of appropriate toasts were drank; and able addresses were made by Gov. Seward, George B. Throop, Esq., Thomas Y. How, Jr. and others. At 21 minutes past 4 P.M., the cars left Syracuse on return to Auburn, where they arrived at 6 minutes before six o’clock, including stoppages of 26 minutes, making the running time one hour and 7 minutes. The entire party, consisting of nearly 200, appeared highly delighted with the ride. Frank Johnson & Co’s celebrated brass band, (all colored persons,) were employed by a portion of the party, to accompany it to and from Syracuse, and added by their fine music, much to the enjoyment of the party.

 " The road is built of the best materials, and in the most substantial manner. It passes through a most beautiful country, and in the vicinity of Nine Mile Creek the scenery is most grand and picturesque. Our citizens  and the public generally are indebted to those who have had the management of the construction of this road, for their indomitable energy and perseverance in pressing it forward to a completion thus early.”     

Rochester Democrat, Friday, October 4, 1850

     Railroad Collision - Loss of Life

   Three trains on the Rochester and Syracuse Railroad met at Seneca Falls on Thursday morning, about 4 o’clock, and a collision occurred between the Emigrant train coming west, and the night mail train going east, by which one man was killed and several injured severely. The all arrived near at the same time.

   The Emigrant train reached the Falls within thirty minutes of the time when the Express train from this city was due there, and ran off upon the branch to await its arrival. Soon after the mail train east came up, and passing on backed upon the branch, just in time to escape the Express train, which passed by doing some little injury to to the locomotive attached to the mail train.

   The latter was somewhat behind time, and the engineer being aware of the close proximity of the express train, feared he should not escape a collision with it, and reversing his engine he jumped off and the train running on to the branch, came in violent contact with the rear of the Emigrant train standing there. Three cars were badly damaged, one of the mail  train completely overtopping the last of the Emigrant train. 

   A man named Peter B. Bootes of Waterloo, a laborer for the Company, who was standing on a platform on the mail train, was so badly injured  that he subsequently died from the effects of his injuries. Several others   were badly hurt, and one other man, who was a passenger on the Emigrant train, from Vermont, may not survive. A lady named McNalty, who with her four children, one of them an infant, was on her way from New Hampshire to join her husband in Wisconsin, was hurt pretty severely in the shoulder and ankle. She was brought on by the emigrant train, and Dr. Beckwith gave his professional assistance in her case.

   Six of the cars were so injured that they could not be used. These are the circumstances of the case, so far as we are able to ascertain them. 


Railroad Accident At Auburn

(From: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Oct. 25, 1865)

   Another of those terrible disasters that have late made traveling an expedition more dangerous than going into battle, occurred upon the New York Central Railroad, at Auburn, on Saturday, Sept. 30th, an illustration of which we give this week. Our correspondent says: "On visiting the scene of the disaster on Sunday morning, a terrible sight was presented by the shattered and crushed cars, fragments of which were strewn for several rods along the ground.

   "There were hundreds of people present during the day, and all expressed their astonishment at the fact that none of the passengers were killed or fatally injured in the plunge. There was nothing of the running gear of the cars left intact, while the sides and ends were crushed in and smashed up fearfully. Many of the passengers were thrown nearly the entire length of the car, ruled to the front, and jammed together by the shock, she they were so suddenly checked in their rapid speed.

   "One of the most seriously injured, a gentleman named Francis Worden, was bruised beneath the debris of a wrecked farm one of its timbers lying across his chest, and another across his forehead, almost crushing him beneath their weight. He was finally rescued, with a dislocated hip and many severe bruises."


Syracuse Standard

Monday, Oct. 2, 1865

   Railroad Accident. - A serious accident happened to the westward bound mail train over the Auburn Road, that left here at 6:40 Saturday evening, whereby several passengers were injured, and it seems almost a miracle that many were not killed and only one person, a Mr. Dean of Auburn, had bones broken, his left arm between the shoulder and elbow. The accident happened about two miles this side of Auburn, and was caused by the breaking of a rail.

   The locomotive, tender and two baggage cars, one of them the mail car, went over the broken rail all right, and only had the trucks of the forward coach were off the track, but the second coach went down the embankment, which is eight to ten feet, landing right side up, the third one ditto, landing on is side, and also the fourth one, landing bottom side up, with its hind trucks still on.

   One of the coaches is a complete wreck, and the other two are badly smashed up. All were well filled with

passengers, of whom quite a number got bruises and scratches, but none so seriously so seriously as to be

considered at all dangerous, and only ten or twelve, at most, so as to need Physicians, and of these a part but trifling aid. Word was telegraphed to the Superintendent here as soon as possible, and a special train, with Drs. A.B. Shipman and Hawley, and other aid, was immediately despatched to the scene of disaster, accompanied by Mr. R.C. Fellows, of the Superintendent's office.

   The passengers were conveyed to Auburn, where the injured were properly cared for. In about two hours from the time of the accident, a train was made up, and nearly all the passengers were again on their way. The conductor was slightly hurt, but not so badly that he proceeded with his tray.

   When the news was received here, with the announcement that Mr. James Morgan, clothing merchant of this city was among the injured, there was great anxiety as to his condition, and as to whether any others, and if so, who, of our citizens were injured, as several were known to be on the train. All day yesterday report was current that Mr. Morgan's back was broken, &c., but we are glad to be able to say that his is only badly bruised on the rich side of his

back, and hat no other Onondaga people* are harmed, so far as known. Mr. Morgan thinks one of his ribs is broken, but Drs. Hawley and Shipman did not think so. He was brought home yesterday afternoon, arriving here at 4 o'clock, and las evening was resting comfortably.

   Mr. Morgan was in the car that landed on its side, upon the seats that came uppermost, and as he was thrown upon the seats below a lady landed on him, saving her, but making him worse off. The following persons were of the injured requiring medical care:

   L.M. Dean, Auburn, left arm broken.

   James Morgan, Syracuse, bad bruise on right side of back.

   John Corning, Buffalo, bruised on shoulder and back.

   Francis M. Worden, Canandaigua, hip severely injured and bruises all over.

   Martha Haverland, Waterloo.

   Mrs. Edwin Hutchinson, Auburn.

   Albert Reish, Auburn.

*Refers to Onondaga County.

Syracuse Journal

Monday, Oct. 2, 1865

   Railroad Accident - The mail train over the Auburn Road, which left here on Saturday evening, met with a serious accident when about a mile beyond Sennett. The train consisted of an engine, baggage and mail cars, and four passenger coaches, the latter well filled with passengers. The train was going about twenty miles an hour, when at he place above-named a rail broke, after the baggage and mail cars and forward trucks of the first passenger coach had passed over it.

   The balance of the train was thrown down the embankment eight or ten feet at the place of the accident. The second passenger coach was completely smashed, and how the inmates succeeded in escaping with so few injuries is a wonder. The third and fourth passenger cars were thrown down, - one on its side, the other turning over on its top, both being considerably broken.

   Aid was telegraphed for at this city, and Mr. E.C. Fellows, of the Superintendent's office, together with Drs. Shipman and Hawley and others immediately left in a special train for the scene of the accident. Upon arriving at the place of the accident, the following named persons were found to be injured sufficiently to need medical aid:  (same as above article)  The injured were taken to Auburn and properly cared for, and a short time after the passengers were sent forward

by another train. Great anxiety was manifested in this city upon learning that Mr. James Morgan was among the severely injured. The report was rife during the afternoon that his neck was broken. Drs. Shipman and Hawley attended him, and upon examination, found him severely bruised in the back and side. Mr. Morgan thinks one of his ribs is broken, but his physicians are not of that belief.

   Mr. Morgan was brought to this city about four-o'clock yesterday afternoon, and conveyed to his residence. His condition this morning is unimproved, he having passed a restless night, owing to the pain from his bruises. Mr. Morgan was sitting in the coach that landed on its side, on the uppermost row of seats, and fell, striking on his back on the seat below, a lady falling on him, saving her but injuring him still more. There were several other Syracusans

on the train, none of whom wee injured farther than a few slight bruises. The others injured are, we learn this morning, improving.

Auburn Daily Bulletin

Tuesday, June 22, 1875

                      Death of a Former Resident of Auburn


   The Rochester Union of yesterday announces the death in that city on Sunday night, of a well-known inventor and promoter of early enterprise in this country - Melancton W. Mason - died at his residence in Lake avenue at the allotted age of three score and ten years. He had been ill for some four months past, and is malady assuming a complicated form, and resulting in a general break up of the system. Mr. Mason will be remembering red by many of the older residents of this city, having resided here for a number of years, between 1838 and 1850, during which time he built several nice residences and did much to improve the then village. The Union furnishes the following account of Mr. Mason, which will be of interest:

   He was born in Cheshire, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1805, and may be said to have led not only a busy but a useful life. Possessed of a natural mechanical and inventive mind, he early turned his attention to the devising of various improvements in machinery and to matters pertaining to the development of the practical arts. The greater part of his life was devoted to railroad interests, and few men were more widely kn own as among the earliest and most earnest promoters of that important enterprise.

   He commenced railroading in 1833 on the Newark, N.J., Railroad, with which he was connected five years, when he removed to Auburn, N.Y., and took a position on the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad as Master Mechanic, remaining in such position until 1850.

   During that time invented many of the most improvements in locomotives that have since been in use. He as the inventor of the lap and lead valve, which was put on the first engine in 1840. He was also the inventor of the four driving wheel engine, the first one constructed being the Phoenix, a fact well known to all railroad men. Mr. Mason was the inventor of the locomotive head-light,  which was put on the first locomotive in America in 1842. (1)

   In recognition of this important service he received a silver medal from the New York State Agricultural Society. Another less important service  rendered by him was the designing of the first snow-plow used on on railroads in the United states. He likewise built the first four-cylinder engine, which bore the name off the  E. P. Williams. (2)

   After the consolidation of the Auburn and Syracuse and Auburn and Rochester Railroads in 1850 he bought a farm eight miles from Auburn, where he remained for two years, when he was called to take charge of the Illinois Central Railroad. He occupied the position of Superintendent of Locomotive Power on this railroad for five years. He afterward returned to his farm in Cayuga county where he remained until 1866, and then removed to Syracuse. Subsequently, in 1867, two of his sons started a machine shop in this city, and needed their father’s advice in a business to which he had given the attention and study of a life-time, he was persuaded to remove to Rochester.

   Three years ago his sons sold out and moved away, since which Mr. Mason has not been connected with any business.He has, however, devoted his attention to city improvements, chiefly on Lake avenue. He has always enjoyed good health util the 25th of last February, when’s difficulties commenced.  In his last days when he knew that death was inevitable, he gathered together numerous old relics and distributed them as he desired, not forgetting his friend Edward Van Vorst, got whom he presented a revolver. He leaves seven children - three sons and four daughters.

   A short time before his death he received a letter from Philadelphia soliciting his photograph to be placed in the Centennial Exhibition as that of the inventor of the locomotive headlight. Deceased was a man of generous impulses, and many who occupy responsible railroad positions today will acknowledge  that they owe much to his influence. 


1. Phoenix 4-4-0 Rogers Locomotive Works #67 Built June, 1845. Cylinders 12” x 18”, drivers 56” Named for J. Phillips Pheonix, a director of the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad. 

2. E. P. Williams 4-2-0 Auburn State Prison 1842 Rebuilt as a 4-4-0 Cylinders 12” x 20” drivers 54”  16 tons. Named for Elijah P. Williams, superintendent of the Auburn  & Syracuse Railroad. Became New York Central No. 182 in 1853;  Mr. Melancton W. Mason, of Auburn, exhibited at the Capitol Park (in Albany)  last evening, one of the most brilliant lamps for railroads, canal boats, &c., that can be conceived. Its light was so intense, that at the distance of the capitol steps from the gate, your committee could see to read perfectly well the print of a newspaper. The improvement consists in the material and peculiar shape of the reflector. It is used with common oil. From the safety this lamp may give to human life in this railroad age, the inventor is richly entitled to a medal.  September 29, 1842. P. 175, The Cultivator, Albany, 1842.

[From Syracuse Journal Sept. 23, 1876]

"The Auburn Branch"

     A Fragment

Years ago, when the N.Y.C.

  Was not the road that it grew to be;

When a single track was enough and more

  To do the work that now takes four;

That single track, as you may be aware,

  Ran up to Auburn and west from there,

Through towns and hamlets that give a home

  To names from the empires of Greece and Rome,

Bub when the Central grew rich and strong,

  Its managers thought this route too long;

And so with expenditure profuse,

  They made a short cut from Syracuse

To Rochester, and Auburn became

   A deserted village, sad worthy its name.

And now when or on the N.Y.C.,

  There happens by chance to be

A car which is old, and shaky and mean,

  With comfortless seats which are never kept clean;

Or a weak locomotive, grown wheezy with age,

  With boiler unsafe and imperfect steam gauge,

With pistons and driving wheels no longer staunch,

  They say ‘It will do for the Auburn branch.'


Syracuse Post-Standard, June 7, 1925

Trunk Cost Passengers $3

Under Early Railroad Rule


   Interest in the centennial, Fred Collamer, 625 South West street, began a review of historical documents in his possession with the result he found papers since belonging to his father, Job Collamer, superintendent of the Watertown & Rome Railroad in 1855 and the New York Central between Rochester and Niagara Falls in 1861.

   Earlier in his railroad career, Mr. Collamer was traveling collector on the Auburn and Rochester Railroad when Robert Higham was superintendent and engineer. On August 30, 1842, the superintendent wrote the traveling collector from his office in Canandaigua the following letter in long-hand:

   “Sir: You will see hereafter that no passenger takes into any of the passenger cars any trunks or other baggage other than a valise or carpet bag, and in case any one persists in taking trunks in the cars, charge them $3 for each trunk.”

   This document has been preserved carefully by Job Collamer’s son as well as two timetables of a slightly later day. One rule on the Watertown and Rome railroad was: A conductor will see before starting from any terminal station that his cars are clean, and in good safe running order; that it has upon the train signal flags and lanterns, with a sufficient number of spare shackle pins, and a signal cord properly connected with the engine, extending to all he cars in the train, an d be at the train 30 minutes before starting time.”

   The timetable for service between Rochester, Lockport, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls says: “Engineers in all cases must close dampers before arriving at a station, and not permit them to be opened until after the station is passed. The conductors and engineers will compare watches daily by the time as shown by the clock in the depot at Rochester.

   “The live stock express will have the same privilege of the road as regular passenger trains, but most keep entirely out of the way of any passenger engine carrying a red flag or light.”

                              New York Central Station, Seneca Falls, N.Y.

                            New York Central Station, Waterloo, N.Y.

     Map of Rochester Division, 1929

Auburn Citizen-Advertiser

May 19, 1958


                                               Last Passenger Train Pulls Out of Auburn

   At 10:20 p.m. yesterday, the last passenger train pulled out of the Auburn station. The New York Central Railroad ended its passenger service to this city with that train.

   The Auburn trains were dropped, with Public Service Commission approval, because the rail company was losing money on its passenger operation Last year’s Auburn Road deficit was $100,000, the Central said.

                                                         Since 1838

   Two trains a day, one eastbound and one westbound, served the 16 stations on the 102-mile branch line between Rochester and Syracuse. The line had been used since it opened in 1838. Only one passenger boarded the final evening train at the Auburn station on State Street.She was Mrs. Frederick Vester, enroute to New York City and then London and Jerusalem. Mrs. Vester had been visiting Mrs. Joseph C. Anderson of 79 South St., before returning to her Jerusalem hospital work. Mrs. Anderson was at the station to see her off.

   About 15 people were gathered to watch the train make its final arrival and departure. Harry McMurdy was he engine and Gilbert Shumway the fireman. The train was scheduled to arrive in Syracuse at 11:05 p.m., and in New York City at 7 a.m.

                                                  Sleeping Cars Included

   Sleeper cars were included on the eastbound train, and also on the westbound which left New York City at 11:15 p.m. daily and arrived in Auburn at 6:31 a.m. the following day. The passenger trains carried mail, newspapers, and parcel post as well as people. The mail, papers and packages will now be tracked by the Post Office Department.

   Joseph C. Phillips, passenger agent for the Central here, today announced that the ticket office will remain open on its regular schedule, to provide tickets and information for travel from other Central stations. The station is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

                                                  Reverses Decision

   The Public Service Commission ruled on May 8, after a March 14 hearing, that the Central could drop the Auburn trains. This was after the first hearing, Oct. 2, 1957, which said the company was deliberately trying to discourage passengers in favor of freight and that it must continue passenger service on the Auburn branch. At its second hearing, the railroad said it had not made any profit on Auburn Road freight last year.

   The railroad said the daily westbound train carried an average of 6.7 coach passengers and that the daily eastbound train,  three Pullman passengers a day and carried an average of 7.1 coach passengers and  2.2 Pullman passengers a day. Sunday train passengers decreased by one-third from 1956to 1957, the railroad said.

  Freight trains will continue service to this city on both the Central and the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The Lehigh dropped its last Auburn passenger train some years ago.

Syracuse Herald-Journal

Monday, May 19, 1958

Passenger Train Does Big Business on Final Run

   SENECA FALLS - Several Seneca Falls residents last night made the last passenger trip from Geneva Here. Riding the rails were John Toomey and His daughter, Karen; Carlo Frappolli, Phil Burns, Robert Wright, the dry cleaner; Robert Wright, the carpenter; Warren, Billy and Brad Jones; Jimmy Fay, Gus Ashmore, Miss Alice Allen, Horace Ramsey and Martin Roach, the latter two of Waterloo.

   Ashmore, on leaving the train, quipped “after stealing so many rides in past yeas I bought I’d pay for this one,” adding that yeas ago he used to ride “blind baggage.” 

   Warner, with the elder Wright, got on the train at Auburn early yesterday, made the last westbound run through here, then returned last night. He returned from Auburn with his truck shortly  before midnight. Phil Burns picked up the “tab” of those local residents who got on at Geneva.

   Between Geneva and Seneca Falls, many residents waved from their windows as the train headed east and a good crowd was present at the local depot to watch the departure of the “last passenger train out.”


            Genevans Wave Fond Farewell

   GENEVA -A group of perhaps 25 or 30 stood on the platform of the New York Central railroad station last night and waved their goodbyes to the last passenger train to move over the Auburn Branch. The train due to leave Geneva at 9:17 p.m. was a few minutes late in leaving but it probably carried more passengers than it has in a long time.

   Many Seneca Falls residents came to Geneva and rode back on the train while many Genevans went to Canandaigua and rode to Geneva. Among the passengers was the Rt. Fev. William Davie, pastor of Holy Family Church in Auburn. The past passenger  train was in charge of O. C. Duttile, conductor. C. E. Scott was the brakeman and the engineer was Harry NcNerney. No Geneva city officials were president to see the train depart.

                                          Views of Fisher's Station and Cobblestone Water Tank

The historic cobblestone pump house in the hamlet of Fishers near the village of Victor was erected in 1845 to furnish water to steam locomotives on the Auburn & Rochester Railroad. It is constructed of colored field stones and is believed to be the only such existing structure as well as the second oldest railroad building in the United States.
    It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.  Documentation appears to show that the only railroad building older than this building is railroad station at the Ellicott City, Maryland now a museum.
  The Fishers cobblestone pump house was constructed to pump water from a small brook, running beneath it, to a nearby elevated water tank which was removed when diesel locomotives replaced steam about 1952. The railroad between Victor and Pittsford  through Fishers was abandoned in 1959.

Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Articles

  Scranton Weekly Republican, Friday, Aug. 17, 1866 Fatal Explosion. - On Saturday last, while standing on "the Limestone switch"...