Sunday, May 29, 2022

New New York Central Station, Gouverneur, N.Y.


Post-Standard, Syracuse, N.Y.
March 2, 1910

Agent John H. O’Brien and His
   Force Quartered in the New
   GOUVERNEUR, March 1. - The new railroad station was formally opened to the public this morning and is now occuied by Station Agent John O’Brien and his clerical force. The first train to pull in was No. 4, due here from the east at 7:27. 
   The first ticket was purchased by Baggageman William White for Ogdensburg, who will save it as a souvenir. J. Frank. Cole was the purchaser of the first mileage book.
   Superintendent C. Christie arrived at 8:56 and assisted in directing the removal. 
   This train, together with the Gouverneur and Oswegatchie outfit, was lined up in front of the station where the New York Central photographer took several views.
   The plaform in front of the station and running down to Depot street, together with 160 feet fronting the tracks on the east end of the station will be brick. A 10-foot walk will also be built from the station to the sidewalk on Depot street.