Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, N.Y.
Friday, June 23, 1950
Robert J. Browne of City Beverage
Urges United Action
Introducing the slogan “Boost and Build,” Robert J. Browne, head of the City Beverage Company of Norwich initiated a movement Thursday to give direct aid to the New York, Ontario and Western Railway.
At his office Thursday morning Mr. Browne issued a statement in which he said: “I am publicly advising officials of the O. and W. railway that I hereby direct every shipment of Schlitz Beer made to my company will arrive in this city over the Ontario and Western and shipments of empties by me to Milwaukee will leave Norwich over the O. and W.”
Mr. Browne, one of the city’s most aggressive business heads combined with his statement a plea to every Norwich industry and every businessman to make a public pledge to give direct aid to the road. “With nearly 250 in this city on the payroll of the Ontario and Western,” Mr. Browne said, “it is imperative that Norwich unite solidly to indicate we want the Ontario and Western Railway to continue to operate as a live and going concern. A solid layoff of this number of people would be an economic catastrophe to Norwich. The effects would be similar to all along the line and in many other places in Chenango county.”
Mr. Browne declared: “Community spirit, united effort can move mountains and I am convinced we can combine our enthusiasm and energies to move the O. and W. out of the red.”
“I agree,” he continued, “that action is more important now than lip service and the City Beverage Company is ready to do everything within its power to aid. I hope all other business concerns will take similar actions and by a public pledge declare themselves for future and continued prosperity for the railroad and the many family heads of the city employed by that road.”