Thursday, September 26, 2024

The 'Minshul Dynasty' and Steam Hand Cars on the New York, Ontario & Western Railroad

The “Minshull Dynasty”

by Richard Palmer

The Minshull’s were closely connected with the New York & Oswego Midland Railroad since its beginnings. First of the family here was Edward Minshull (Nov. 24, 1827 - Nov. 3, 1897)  who later resided on North Street in Middletown. He was born in Glossop, Derbyshire, England, a son of John and Elizabeth (Bradshaw) Minshull. When he was 19 he married Maria McGurn in England. 

They immigrated to Lowell, Massachusetts in 1854, then to Canada and remained there six years before moving back to the United States. As a machinist, Minshull worked for several railroads. These included those of the Erie in Susquehanna, and in Oswego for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western and the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg. When the New York & Oswego Midland was established he went to work in their shops in Oswego.

They had six boys, John E., Philip H., Thomas E., George B., James  E., and Frank,  and a daughter, Anna who married Bert Hasbrouck. Most of the boys became railroad men - a heritage they passed down to their sons.  

Best known of these children was John, a natural born machinist like his father. He was born in England, and came to this country with his parents when he was about eight years of age. He did his apprenticeship at the Susquehanna shops of the Erie.   There he learned his father's trade of machinist when only about fourteen years of age. For a few years he led an unsettled life, working at his trade and followed other pursuits. He worked in various places before moving back to live with his parents in Oswego. Here he was employed at Ames Iron Works, Kingsford Starch factory, finally finding his niche at the  Midland Railroad shops where his father was a foreman. While in Oswego he became an active member of the Steamer Company No. 3 of the then Oswego Volunteer Fire Department.
He was employed in Oswego shops only briefly when he decided to familiarize himself with the railroad - first as a fireman then as engineer. He ran on the Northern Division, Delhi Branch, and later on the Middle Division between Norwich and Middletown. The last running he did on the road as engineer was on the express freight, carrying butter and cheese between Norwich and Middletown. 

At the age of 25,  Minshull, in 1874  was made foreman of the Middletown shops, filling that position satisfactorily for about a year. After the road was temporarily closed during  the stormy winter of 1874-5, General Superintendent  Henry M. Flint appointed him master mechanic for the entire railroad, a position he held until his untimely death in 1879.  

He replaced W. H. Angell. “The Midland repair shops at this place under the management of ‘Jack ‘ Minshull, are turning out some good work,” the Middletown Daily Evening Press noted on January 1, 1875.

Railroading was a dangerous business Minshull  found out. On February 3, 1876 he and several other railroad officials were testing a new snowplow Minshull had invented, to clear the line of snow drifts ahead of the mail train. While on Bennett’s Bridge 38 over the Willwemac River near Roscoe (then called Westfield Flats), the plow and engine unexpectedly derailed and crashed into the river, a fall of 28 feet.  The bridge fell into the river. Minshall and several others on the plow received minor injuries.  

It was a frightful scene, the snowplow and engines and the timbers of the bridge being jammed and mashed together in the bed of the stream, according to one newspaper report. The mail train was flagged in time so as not to also go into the river. Flint was on the locomotive and was pinned next to the boiler head. He inhaled escaping steam and died from his injuries. Locomotive No. 55 was refurbished and named Henry M. Flint in his honor. Flint was replaced by John F. Mackie of Norwich. On April 1,  1876, the offices of general superintendent and master mechanic were moved from Middletown to the more central location of Norwich. 

On June 13, 1877, John married Fannie E. Moore in Middletown. She was a teacher at Bennett Hill School there. The newlyweds left that day on their honeymoon trip that took them to Buffalo, Hamilton, Toronto, the Thousand Islands and Montreal.  The Orange County Press on June 19, 1877 commented:

We are advised that John Minshull of the Midland railroad has ‘coupled up’ with Miss Moore of Middletown with a trip through life. Miss Moore is an orphan, and we trust Jack will pull her through life’s troubles, so that at the completion of the trip, himself and wife can congratulate themselves on a ‘safe run.”

 That “safe run” was cut short as a little more than two years later he was killed in a railroad accident at East Branch. 

One of Minshull’s inventions was a small car propelled by steam used to inspect bridges. It was built in Middletown shops in 1877, had an upright boiler and a small cylinder with a nine-inch stroke and four-inch bore. It was capable of running about 30 miles per hour. On June 7, 1877 it was put to the test. Donning rain coats and boots and carrying overnight handbags. They left Middletown in the morning and traveled nearly 150 miles on this open car, inspecting bridges and trestles. After a long day they checked into the American Hotel in Norwich to spend the night. Next morning they continued on to Oswego. 

   Minshull apparently took a liking to the steam car experience and frequently used it on tours of inspection.

Another such vehicle was built for this purpose and at the expense of C. W. Lanpher, superintendent of the Northern Division.  Built at the Norwich shop, it was equipped with two pistons, a patent drive and air brakes, and had four chairs with spring seats. “It rides like a palace coach,” the local newspaper noted.  It was capable or running 40 miles per hour for many miles very efficiently. A third one was under construction at the time.

Philip Minshull, a machinist, and brother of John, was injured n Middletown on September 24, 1878  when the  steam handcar  he was on stopped too quickly. Also aboard were General Freight Agent R. W. Thatcher an his clerk, F. H. Getty. They crossed the "yard limits" of Middletown near the round house shortly before 10 a.m., disregarding the rule requiring trains to run slowly within the yard. The steam car was running at the rate of thirty or forty miles an hour when suddenly in the crooked cut near the Wickham Avenue depot they found they were about to rear-end the tender of engine 82, Ed McNiff engineer. That engine was backing slowly up towards the round house, having the right of way in the yard. They were about to collide before either could see each other. McNiff reversed his engine instantly and Minshull applied the steam brake. But it was too late. The engine halted but the steam car struck the engine tender with considerable force. Thatcher and Getty jumped off before this occurred and escaped comparatively unhurt. 

Minshull remained on the steam car. While applying the brakes the car collided with the engine tender and he was thrown forward. As a result he received a cut over the eye, another cut under the eye. His right wrist was dislocated and his right leg was cut below the knee.The car was heavily damaged and the chairs in which they had been sitting were smashed. Getty and Thatcher managed to climb aboard Erie train No. 6 and returned back to New York.

One misfortune followed another on the Midland. At 6:20  a.m. on December 25, 1878 a fire broke out in the oil room of the Midland Railroad shops in Oswego. The blaze heavily damaged locomotives 6, 19, 24, 29,  44, 60, 62, 98, and 100. Nothing but the walls of the engine house were left standing.  

John always seemed to be in harm’s way. On several occasions he had close calls.  Another serious accident involving  him occurred just three days later. Many miles of the Midland were blocked with snow and an engine and plow were despatched to clear the line to Oswego with him aboard. They got through to Oswego fine and started back to Norwich the following day. When a short distance north of Fulton at Battle Island, the plow derailed and turned over. Minshull, who was riding on top of the plow, was thrown to the ground, but fortunately escaped with only a few bruises. The flagman was killed instantly and a brakeman suffered a broken leg. Minshull at the time was atop of the plow signaling directions to the engineer.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Minshull soon found himself in court in Delhi in February, 1879 on a legal matter. Andrew Bovee, a discharged locomotive engineer, had sued him for slander. Minshull had fired him for being “too lazy to attend to his duties properly.”  But after testimony  proved to the contrary, the judge dismissed the case.

Minshull’s last accident on August 13, 1879  at Trout Brook, near East Branch,  proved fatal. He was on another inspection  tour. While riding with others on a steam car, it appeared a collision with a team of horses and wagon at a crossing was imminent. He jumped off, striking he head as he rolled down the railroad embankment.  The driver of the horses and wagon pulled out of the way just in time, avoiding a collision. But Minshull didn’t realize this.The other officials remained aboard the car and escaped unhurt. 

Accident that took the life of John Minshull occurred at this crossing near Trout Brook in 1879. Later, this crossing was realigned to make it much safer. Note the surveying equipment at left.                                                                                                                     (Collection of Jeff Otto)

Minshull was picked up unconscious and taken to a nearby farm house where he remained for several days. For a brief period he regained consciousness but didn’t realize what had happened. Meanwhile a telegram was sent to Middletown requesting medical assistance. Dr. Solomon Burke Pillsbury, a leading physician in Middletown, and Mrs. Minshull  got aboard a special train, arriving at East Branch about two hours and 15 minutes later. The doctor determined Minshull had received a fractured skull.

To his young wife the blow of his sudden and violent death comes with most crushing force.  She was with him at the end, having gone to his side a few hours after the accident. In her affliction she has the sincere sympathy of the whole community, the Middletown Daily Argus reported on August 19, 1879.  At that time Minshull’s immediate family consisted of his parents, three brothers and a sister. His remains were taken by train to Middletown for a largely attended funeral and burial.

                         Monument in Hillside Cemetery, Middletown, to John E. Munshill.

                                                                              (William F. Helmer collection)

 Following her husband’s death Mrs. Minshull  continued teaching and retired as principal of Liberty Street School in Galilee. She died on December 23, 1909 in Galilee, Pennsylvania at the age of 66, and lies next to her husband at Hillside Cemetery  in Middletown. Many Minshulls  are buried both in Hillside and St. Joseph’s cemeteries. A short time later his father was appointed master mechanic in his place. John’s father, Edward, was instrumental in establishing the shop complex in Middletown, and helped in the establishment of Thrall Park in Middletown. John’s brothers were also railroad men. Phillip was on the N.Y.O. & W. more than 50 years, retiring as master mechanic in Middletown. James was a locomotive engineer on the Erie Railroad. The Minshull’s were held in high esteem. 

Steam hand car with upright boiler on the Midland undoubtedly looked much line this. it was designed and constructed by M. M. Buck & Co. of St. Louis in 1876. The boiler  was intended to carry a pressure of  140 pounds,  was three and a half feet in height with a diameter of 18 inches, placed in the center of the car. The cylinder was 3 1/2 by 6 inches. The body rested on rubber springs to allow it to ride well without lateral motion. Seats were in the front and rear. A barrel of water could take it 40 miles. There was a coal pan arranged in a space about two feet wide, sufficient to carry enough fuel for a day’s run. It ran very efficiently up to 40 miles per hour, or seven miles in 15 minutes.  Upright boilered engine for the Midland was built in Norwich shops.  (From: Scientific American, August 5, 1876).

Views of New York & Oswego Midland Railroad Steam Inspection car No. 3 on which John Minshull is said to have been riding at the time of his death. 
                                                                             (Collection of Dan Myers)

Sullivan County Record

May 31, 1877

A Queer Craft.

   Under the supervision of Master Mechanic Minshull, the N.Y. & O. Midland shops have just turned out a small steam car, to be used for making short trips and excursions over the road, and for the purpose of inspecting the track. The car is built low to the track, quite similar to the ordinary hand-car, and driven by a small engine. The machinery, with the exception of the steam-box and piston heads, is all below the platform of the car. The boiler stands in the center of the car and a small tank underneath supplies it with water. A seat at the rear end will place the driver within reach of his lever and gauges and one at the front end will accommodate the travelers. - Union.

Middletown Daily Press

 June 1, 1877

A Little Locomotive

The new steam hand car which Master Mechanic Minshull, of the New York Midland, has built for inspection purposes, made a trip to Bloomingburgh and back this morning. It used hardly a shovelful of coal. It is a perfect little locomotive, with upright boiler and engine, which is several horsepower. The engine has a nine inch stroke and the cylinder a four inch bore. It will run the machine about 30 miles an hour.

Orange County Press, Middletown, N.Y.

 June 5,1877

Inspecting The Midland

Manager Stevens, Superintendent Purdy and Master Mechanic Minshull started on a tour of inspection over the N. Y. Midland today from Middletown with the steam hand car.

The car can be made to run 35 miles an hour or faster, and is supplied with steam brakes by which it can be stopped almost immediately.

The Telegram, Norwich

Saturday, June 9, 1877

Railroad Officials “Inspecting”


A new small platform car lately constructed in the Shops at Middletown for the use of the bridge department and road master, arrived in Norwich on Wednesday evening,  after a successful trial trip. It is a magnified copy of the common hand car with an upright boiler and engine of small proportions affixed to propel it instead of hand power.

The wheels are somewhat larger than those ordinarily used, and of cast rims and hubs, held by a steel tire. A seat capable of accommodating four persons runs across the front end affording a view for inspection of track, bridges, and roadway. It is reported to be a mechanical  success and was built of entirely new material, with castings from patterns and drawings all prepared at the expense of the company.

They started from Middletown ahead of the mail train and continued so to Walton, after following the train in, making a good run. Master Mechanic Minshull, engineered the machine until entering Norwich station.

Purchasing Agent Purdy, in kids and Goodyear rain coat, sensationally assumed the throttle performing the feat of shutting off steam; the ingenious steam brake attached to the car stopped it. General Manager John G. Stevens, under that familiar linen hat, and inside rubber coat, dismounted, the lesser lights following.

Then Manager, Mechanic, General Road Master, and Purchasing Agent, in their rubber coats and hand bags, marched to the American Hotel. The trip was an interesting one, one hundred and forty eight and seven-tenths miles on an open car, and the roadway was found to be in excellent condition, the bridges and trestles also.

At an early hour Thursday morning the party, minus the Superintendent of the Middle Division, and plus Superintendent Lanpher of the Northern Division, and bridges and buildings started to inspect the road as far as Oswego.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich

Wednesday, June 13, 1877

That “Steam Hand Car”

On Friday Superintendent Lanpher telegraphed to us from up the road, an invitation to make an excursion on the new steam car constructed for his, and Supervisor Babcock’s use. We were a little behind the time appointed and awaited the return of the Chenango Union special which had gone to North Norwich. On its return Supt. Lanpher escorted our Editor in chief to the post of honor - the revolving backed seat on the front - and Mr. Babcock assisted the local to the engineer’s seat and pointed out to him the throttle.

His right hand had not forgot its cunning, and with assistance of Richard Reddin, who had charge of the mechanical portion of the car at present, we ran out north, slowly, until the straight good track beyond the bridge was reached, then we skimmed along toward North Norwich, at the rate of about twenty-five miles an hour, or more, until the superintendent raised his hand in a manner suggestive of a reduct and speed and a stop.

The steam brake works like a charm and brought us to a stand quickly. Then turning over the seat and facing Southward we again tried the speeding qualities of the machine to the bridge, the exhaust, the breeze and clatter over the rail joints, almost making us believe that ww ere running the Ulster County Express, and expected Duffield to pull the bell. 

The stop was made at the depot as easily and nicely as though a Westinghouse air brake was attached, Then Master Mechanic Williams ran the car to the shops, gave us a tour through them, exhibited the finest model in New York of his new valve motion, and sent us back again by rail to East street. 

The car is all that it should be, mechanically, and will be of great service in the examination of the road and bridges. It can bee run for a dollar a day, much less than it would be required to pay men to “pump” hand car over the road in case of a tour of inspection by officials.

Chenango Union, Norwich

Thursday, June 14, 1877

Midland Matters

On Wednesday evening last, a flat car, something larger than the ordinary hand car, with upright boiler and diminutive engine, arrived at the Norwich station of the Midland Railroad, from Middletown, on its trial trip. Manager John G. Stevens, Master Mechanic Minshull, Superintendent Purdy, and Road Master Burdick, occupied seats upon the platform - a settee, seating four persons, being placed across the front, while those seated in the rear of the engine occupied boxes and tool chests.

These officials, with the exception of Superintendent Purdy, who gave place to

Superintendent Lanpher, left on Thursday morning for Oswego, returning to this place on Friday afternoon, when members of the press and others availed themselves of the invitation, and enjoyed a lively ride towards North Norwich and back.

This car was built at the company's shops in Middletown, and is designed for the use of officials while inspecting the track and bridges. It is said to be a success; can be run forty miles an hour, if necessary; and is a decided improvement upon the old hand car, which requires too much muscle for a lengthy trip like that of last week.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, N.Y.

Saturday, June 30, 1877

General Manager Stevens and T. C. Purdy of the Midland came into Norwich at noon Wednesday, on the ‘Steam Hand Car.’ Mr. Purdy acted in the capacity of engineer for Mr. Stevens from Moreston to Norwich. They dined a Rogers’ restaurant  and returned immediately on the Walton train, transporting the official car back on a flat car in the train. As a dummy car Engineer T. C. is a success. 

 DeRuyter New Era

Thursday, July 19, 1877

 The steam hand car passed over this branch of the Midland on Monday last. It is a novel car, and must be very handy for the Track Inspectors to visit different sections of the road. They made the time in running from Norwich to DeRuyter in one hour and forty minutes.

Oswego Palladium

Friday, April 19, 1878

Improving the Condition of the Midland

   Receiver Stevens of the N.Y. & O. Midland Railway and C. W. Lanpher were in town yesterday. They had been over the entire line in a steam hand car to examine tracks, trestles, etc. It was decided to put in steel rails at and in the vicinity of Fulton. The favorable winter just past; the absences of snow, &c., has saved the company a good deal of money, every dollar of which with all the earnings and above running expenses, will be put into improvements - rails, ties, filling trestles, etc. Mr. Stevens is greatly encouraged by the condition and prospects of the road. ’’

Middletown Daily Press

April 21, 1878

Fast Steam Cars On The New York Midland

  A new steam hand car which Mr. C. W. Lanpher. Superintendent of the northern division of the N. Y. Midland, had built at the Norwich shop, arrived at Middletown last night just behind the milk train. It was the car's first trip over the middle division, although it was taken from the shop several days ago. Mr. Lanpher and Bridge Builder D. Lamont were the passengers, having come over the road to inspect the trestles and bridges.

The car works handsomely in every way. It has two pistons and a patent drive, and is supplied with an air brake, which will stop it in twice its length, no matter how fast it is running. The little thing can be run forty miles an hour, and on the northern division made with safety nineteen miles in thirty minutes. Coming into Middletown it made the milk train's time from Summitville, which is very fast. The car has four chairs with spring seats, and it rides like a palace coach.

It was built, we understand, principally at Mr. Lanpher's private expense. The work was done under the supervision of Mr. Ed Williams, Superintendent of the Norwich shops, who is well known as a former engineer on the eastern end of the road.

This is the second steam car that has bee3n built for the road. The first was constructed at Middletown by Master Mechanic Minshull, who now has a third one under way to be completed in a few weeks. The steam cars save no little "elbow grease," the wages of a gang of several workmen, and much time in the trips.

Madison Observer, Morrisville, N.Y.

Wednesday, May 1, 1878

A steam hand car made its first trip over the Midland road recently with Manager Stevens and other officials, making preparations for a new timetable with, it is said, more trains and faster time. They intend to thoroughly repair the road this summer.

Chenango Telegraph 

Wednesday, August 7, 1878

C. W. Lanpher, Superintendent of the northern division of the Midland, and Ed. Williams, Foreman of the machine shop, have invented and built a very careful and novel steam hand car, strictly new in principal and construction. The weight of this car is less than 1,500 pounds. A trial was given on Saturday, with entirely satisfactory results.

Orange County Press

Aug. 21, 1878

Fast Steam Car on the Midland

A new steam hand car which Mr. C.W. Lanpher, Supt. of the northern division of the New York & Oswego Midland, has built at the Norwich shop, arrived at Middletown last night just behind the milk train. It was the car's first trip over the Middle Division, although it was taken from the shop several days ago. Mr. Lanpher and bridge builder D. Lamont were the passengers, having come over the road to inspect the trestles and bridges.

The car works handsomely in every way. It has two pistons and a patent valve, and is supplied with an air brake, which will stop in twice its length, no matter how fast it is running. The little thing can run forty miles an hour, and on the northern division made it safely, nineteen miles in thirty minutes.

Coming into Middletown it made the milk train's time from Summitville, which is very fast. The car has four chairs with spring seats, and it rides like a palace coach. It was built, we understand, principally at Mr. Lanpher's private expense. The work was done under the supervision of Mr. Ed Williams, Supt. of the Norwich shop, who is well known as a former engineer on the eastern end of the road.

This is the second steam car that has been built for the road. The first was constructed at Middletown by Master Mechanic Minshull, who now has a third one under way to be completed in a few weeks. The steam cars save no little "elbow grease," the wages of a gang of several workmen, and much time in the trips.

Evening Gazette, Port Jervis 

Thursday, August 29, 1878


A Novel Craft on the New York Midland  -

     It’s First Trip

   A new steam hand-car which Mr. C. W. Lanpher, Superintendent of the Northern Division of the New York & Oswego Midland, had built at the Norwich shop, arrived in Middletown Tuesday night of last week just behind the milk train. It was the car’s first trip ever on the Middle Division, although it was taken from the shop several days ago. Mr. Lanpher and bridge builder D. Lamont were the passengers, having come over the road to inspect the trestles and bridges.

   The car works handsomely in every way. It has two pistons and a patent valve, and is supplied with an air brake which will stop it in twice its length no matter how fast it is running. The little thing can be run 40 miles an hour, and on  the Northern Division made with safety  19 miles in 30 minutes. Coming into Middletown it made the milk train’s time from Summitville with is very fast. The car has four chairs with spring seats and it rides like a palace coach.

   It was built, we understand, principally at Mr. Lanpher’s private expense. This is the second steam car that has been built for the road. The first was constructed at Middletown by Master Mechanic Minshull, who now has a third one under way. The steam cars save no little “elbow grease,”  the wages of a gang of several workmen, an much time in the trips. - Argus.                                            

Orange County Press

Thursday, September 5, 1878

A New Steam Car

The new steam car which was built at the Midland Railroad shops at Middletown lately made a trip to Norwich, a distance of 149 miles, at an average rate of speed of 45 miles an hour. On two favorable sections it ran 15 miles in 15 minutes. It is only 10 feet long and has a 33 inch wheel, but it is built for speed.

It is intended for trips of inspection over the road, where an engine would otherwise have to be used. The steam car, which can be managed by one person will carry half a dozen, will thus save the work of an engine and the wages for an engineer whenever her trips are necessary.

Middletown Daily Press

Tuesday,  September 24,1878 

A Collision -   The Midland Steam Car Runs Into An Engine-One Man Badly Hurt, Two Men Escape By Jumping

Mr. Philip H. Minshull, brother of Master Mechanic Minshull of the N. Y. Midland railroad, was quite badly hurt at this place today on the little steam car which has been mentioned in the Press as capable of running very fast and being stopped so quickly. Young Minshull is regularly employed as a machinist in the shops here, but he has charge of the steam care when ever it goes out with the officers of the road.

Yesterday he took out General Freight Agent R. W. Thatcher and his clerk F. H. Getty, from the New York office, who had freight business to do up the road. They stopped over night at Liberty and this morning started back for Middletown. Mr. Thatcher and his clerk were anxious to reach Middletown in time to take Erie train No. 4 which leaves here for New York at 10:01 a.m. To do this it was necessary to make quick time, and they were running under "wild cat" orders for the station. With Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Getty on the chairs in front and young Minshull acting as engineer, the steam car behaved properly and with a little crowding toward the last, they thought they would reach here in time.

They crossed the "yard limits" of Middletown near the round house shortly before ten o'clock, disregarding the rule requiring trains to run slowly within the yard. The steam car was running at the rate of thirty or forty miles an hour when suddenly in the crooked cut near the Wickham Avenue Depot they saw the tender of engine 82, Ed McNiff engineer, which was backing slowly up towards the round house, having the right of the yard. They were almost together before either could see the other. McNiff reversed his engine instantly and young Minshull applied his steam brake, but it was too late. The engine came nearly to a stand-still but the steam car could not be stopped and it struck the tender with considerable force. Mr. Thatcher and Getty jumped off before the collision and escaped comparatively unhurt, but Minshull by remaining at his post to put on the brakes was thrown heavily forward. He received a cut over the eye, another cut under the eye, his right wrist was dislocated and his right leg was cut below the knee. He was sensible, however, and at first was able to walk, but afterwards had to be carried to his home with his brother on Liberty street. His injuries are pronounced and serious.

Mr. Getty, who jumped and fell heavier and rolled down the bank, suffered considerably from shock, but Mr. Thatcher, who did not jump so far, was only a little stiffened by his fall. The jumping saved their lives, for the front of the steam car and the chairs in which they had been setting were fairly crushed, and drivers under the tender of the engine. They took Erie train No. 6 at 1:10 this afternoon for New York.

The engine was not damaged except as to the brakes on the tender, but the steam car was stove in considerably. Had it been two locomotives the damage would have been far greater.

Oswego Morning Herald

Friday, October 4, 1878

Accident on the Midland

Phil H. Minshull, son of master mechanic Minshull, was severely injured the other day on the Midland between Liberty and Middletown. In company with Fred Getty and another man he was riding on a pony steam car, something similar to a hand car, and on rounding a curve near Middletown discovered a locomotive standing on the track, and thinking that he had the right of way and that the engine was not on his track he did not reverse his car until he was so near the other that it was useless.

When Getty and the other man saw that a collision was inevitable they jumped to the ground and escaped injury; but Minshull remained on the car until it struck, and the result was a sprained wrist, a cut on his forehead extending from the air to his cheek bone and a cut on the cheek.

He was insensible for sometime but now is out of danger.  The little steam car was badly wrecked, the body being driven from the track. 

Monticello Republican

Friday, October 4, 1878

Another Collision of the N.Y. & O.M.

R. R. Steam Hand Car - Two Employees Injured.


   Tuesday morning about ten o’clock B. W. Thatcher, General Freight Agent of the N.Y. & O. M. R.R., accompanied by his head clerk, F. W. Getty, came down the Midland from Liberty on board the Superintendent’s steam hand-car which was in charge of Phillip Minshull, brother of Master Mechanic Minshull. They were wild-catting down the road, their intention being to arrive in this village in time to take an eastward bound train over the Erie for New York, and as a natural consequence were running at a high rate of speed.

   In coming into the company’s yards in this village, in the cut just north of the Wickham avenue depot, the hand-car collided with the tender of engine 82, Ed. McNiff, engineer, which was slowly backing toward the round house. The point where the collision occurred is on the curve, and neither Minshull nor McNiff, after they came in sight of one another, had time to stop their engines.

   Just before the crash, Thatcher and Getty jumped from the hand-car, but Minshull stood at his post. When picked up after the accident, it was found that he was considerably injured. He received severe cuts in the head and face, dislocating his wrist, and injured one of his legs. His injuries, we are glad to be able to state, are not considered dangerous by his physicians. Mr. Getty was injured somewhat about the head and leg, but not sufficiently to prevent his taking Train 6 for New York. The car was somewhat wrecked. - Mercury.

Daily Guardian, Patterson, New Jersey

Tuesday, October 29, 1878

A Novel Ride

Mr. Albert A. Wilcox, the lawyer of this city, had an exciting and interesting ride on Friday last, from Middletown to Jersey City, on the New Jersey Midland Railway. Mr. Thomas C. Purdy, the General Superintendent of the New York and Oswego Midland Railway, has invented what he calls a “steam hand car.”

It is about the size of an ordinary hand car but run by steam, and is being adopted on all the principal roads, on account of its convenience and the saving of the expense of “wild cat” locomotives, et.

We have not the space to repeat the interesting account of the trip told by Mr. Wilcox. On the car were, besides him and Mr. Purdy, Mr. W. E. Lewis, Superintendent of the  New Jersey Midland, Mr. George Bartolf and Mr. Reuben Lewis, the engineer. The passengers occupied a seat on the front end of the car, which ran at the rate of thirty miles an hour.

Why the car and ask the machinery behind, Mr. Wilcox said it appears as if he was riding on nothing, actually flying, and he never had so exciting a trip in his life.  The possibility of running against a cow or horse was discussed with no little interest, for in that case the passengers would be the only “cow-catcher.

But to assure them Mr. Purdy told how he ran into a locomotive last month, smashing the cow-catcher and knocking out one the the locomotive trucks, but not injuring the had car in the least. The locomotive was stopped, so that it was on the principle of shooting a tallow candle through a board, we suppose.

But the trip was made in safety, the car was transferred to New York, and Mr.Purdy continued on his novel vehicle towards Boston, whither he was bound. 

Oswego Daily Times

Friday, May 16, 1879

                   The Steam Hand Car

   Midland Superintendent Lanpher’s steam hand car brought Mr. Theodore Houston to this city yesterday. The little car stood on the track before the Midland depot this morning and was viewed by a crowd of curious people. The affair is about the size of an ordinary hand car, with an upright boiler and engine. There are four seats, one at each corner, and the man who sits in the right hand forward corner governs the machine. The car is entirely uncovered. Engineer O’Neil says she will make a mile a minute for a short distance. It seems to us that on  a pleasant day nothing could be more enjoyable than a ride over the road in the car. 

Middletown Daily Argus

Tuesday, August 19, 1879



John Minshull, Master Mechanic of

   the N.Y. & O. Midland Railroad.

To chronicle the death of an honored citizen is one of the most painful duties that falls to the lot of the local journal.But this duty comes with an added burden when the deceased is one who besides being widely known and respected was liked and ever loved by those with whom he came in daily contact.

It is therefore with n ordinary sorrow that we announce the fatal ending, this morning, of the injuries received by our townsman, John Minshull, at East Branch, Delaware county, last Wednesday.

The circumstances of the accident are so familiar to our readers that it is not necessary to record them here. Ever since occurred, Mr. Minshull has been lying in a semi-conscious condition, rallying at brief periods and giving his physician and friends reason to hope that he would ultimately recover.

The hope was, however, a forlorn one, as it was evident to even an unprofessional eye that his injuries were so severe that only his exceptionally strong constitution could be relied upon to carry him through. Even this hope fled last night and as the darkness waned into light he breathed his last. He never rallies sufficiently to permit his removal from East Branch, the scene of the accident.

Mr. Minshull was a native of England but came to this country with his family when a mere boy. Early in life he manifested a very strong liking for mechanical pursuits especially railroad engineering. He learned the trade of machinist in the Erie railroad repair shop at Susquehanna, Pa.

When the Northern Division of the New York and Oswego Midland was opened for business, Mr. Minshull identified his fortunes with those of the road, and when traffic began on this end of the line he had charge of an engine. Shortly after the repair shops were opened in this village, Mr. Minshull was appointed Superintendent.

The lamented Henry M. Flint, at that time Superintendent of the road, recognizing Mr. Minshull’s abilities, appointed him Master Mechanic of the road, a position which he filled with very great credit until the hour of his untimely death. Mr. Minshull. while occupying this position, manifest great inventive genius, and some of the products of his brain will no doubt be permanent fixtures in the equipment of railroads in this country.

At the time that he took charge of the Midland shops, the rolling stock of the road was in terribly dilapidated condition, the mechanical appliances for its repairs were the poorest possible, and to his indomitable pluck and fertile resources is largely due to the credit of keeping the road open for business.

It is safe to say that no man employed on the Midland since the death of Supt. Flint will be more greatly missed than the subject of this sketch. He was one of the most genial, whole-souled fellows who command at once the respect and affection of all with whom they cone in contact, and more than this by countless acts unostentatious kindness he won the tenderest regards of those beneath him.

Mr. Minshull was married a little over two years ago to Miss Fannie Moore, of this village, and their married life was a very marvel of happiness. To his young wife the blow of his sudden and violent death comes with most crushing force.  She was with him at the end, having gone to his side a few hours after the accident. In her affliction she has the sincere sympathy of the whole community. Mr. Minshull’s immediate family consists of a father and mother, three brothers and one sister, all but one of whom reside in Oswego.

A special train bearing the remains of the deceased arrived in this village this afternoon and they were conveyed to his late residence. The funeral will be held from the Congregational Church next Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Minshull was in the twenty-ninth year of his age.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph

 Wednesday, August 20, 1879

Death of a Midland Official.

We last week published an account of the accident to John E. Minshull, Master Mechanic of the New York & Oswego Midland Railroad at East Branch, on Wednesday last. At the time of the accident it was not thought that his injuries were of a fatal character and until near midnight, Monday, he was thought to be improving, but at near that hour he began to grow worse, and died at 4:30 Tuesday morning.

Mr. Minshull had been in the employ of the Midland since the road was built, first being employed in the Oswego shops. He then went on as a fireman and was soon promoted to engineer; from that he was promoted to foreman of the Middletown shops, and some two years ago was made Master Mechanic of the entire road. He was very popular with the men under him and universally respected by his associates on and off the road.
He leaves a wife but no children. His aged father and mother who reside in Oswego, went down on the Midland , Monday, and reached him but a few hours before he died. His funeral will take place at Middletown, on Thursday, at 2 P.M.

Chenango Union

 Thursday, Aug. 21, 1879

Railroad Accident

Master Mechanic John Minshull, of the Midland Railroad, met with a distressing accident on Wednesday of last week. While riding with others on a steam hand-car, near East Branch, a team was seen on the crossing, and a collision appearing imminent, Minshull jumped off, striking upon his head, and rolling down a bank. He was insensible for a time, and is seriously if not fatally injured. It is believed his skull is fractured, with concussion of the brain, and on Thursday he hovered between life and death, but his symptoms are since more favorable, and hopes are entertained for his recovery.

Later. - Since the above was in type, we learn that Mr. Minshull died at half-past four o'clock on Tuesday morning, a sudden change for the worse having taken place a few hours previous. Deceased was a gentleman universally respected, and very popular with the employees of the road. He leaves a wife, but no children. The funeral will be held at Middletown, at 2 P.M. on Thursday.

Delphi Republican

Saturday, August 23, 1879

Last week Wednesday morning, August 13th, Master Mechanic John E. Minshull, Superintendent T. C. Purdy and Assistant Superintendent A. B. Danforth, of the Midland, started from Middletown for Oswego, on one of those little steam cars used on that road. As the car approached a crossing between Trout Brook and East Branch, a horse and wagon came out of the bushes to cross the road.

The driver turned the horse quickly and stopped it close to the track. At the same instant the car which was running at great speed was checked suddenly, and Mr. Minshull, who was sitting on the forward corner was thrown off, striking his head and rolling under the wagon. There was no collision, and the other remaining on the car escaped unhurt.

Mr. Minshull was picked up unconscious  and taken to the house of Mr. Hall, at East Branch. He recovered unconsciousness about twenty minutes after the accident. A special train with Dr. Pillsbury and Mrs. Minshull on board left Middletown at 2:16 p.m., a telegram having been sent, and arrived at East Branch about 4:30.

 Mr. Minshull died at four o’clock on Tuesday morning. The remains were taken to Middletown the same day by Conductor Brazee, of the Delhi Branch, on a special train. 

The deceased was the youngest of five children and is the last to pass away. He was a man purely devoted to his family, and during his late sickness his wife and daughter have been his constant companions,  he never wanting them to leave him for a minute.

He learned his trade in the Erie shops at Susquehanna, beginning when but eleven years of age.  After a year or two in the West and Canada, he entered the Midland shops at Oswego, where his father, Edward, was foreman. Afterwards he was an engineer on the North Branch, and later on the Middle Division of the road.  He was foreman of the Middle Division Shop for a year, from 184 to 1875,  and when the late H. M. Flint became General Superintendent, in January, 1875, he made Minshull master mechanic.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Minshull are Phillip, master mechanic of the O. & W. in this city; Thomas E. of Weehawken; Annie, wife of Bert Hasbrouck, of Montclair, N.J.; George B.,  of Montclair; James E., of Caldwell, N.J.; and Frank, of this city.

Chenango Union, Norwich

Thursday, August 21, 1879

Railroad Accident

 Master Mechanic John Minshull, of the Midland Railroad, met with a distressing accident on Wednesday of last week. While riding with others on a steam hand-car, near East Branch, a team was seen on the crossing, and a collision appearing imminent, Minshull jumped off, striking upon his head, and rolling down a bank. He was insensible for a time, and is seriously if not fatally injured. It is believed his skull is fractured, with concussion of the brain, and on Thursday he hovered between life and death, but his symptoms are since more favorable, and hopes are entertained for his recovery.

Later. - Since the above was in type, we learn that Mr. Minshull died at half-past four o'clock on Tuesday morning, a sudden change for the worse having taken place a few hours previous. Deceased was a gentleman universally respected, and very popular with the employees of the road. He leaves a wife, but no children. The funeral will be held at Middletown, at 2 P.M. on Thursday.

Hancock Herald

Thursday, August 21, 1879

Master Mechanic John Minshull, of the N.Y. & O. Midland Railroad, who was injured by jumping from a steam hand car at East Branch on Tuesday, the 12th inst., died at 4:30 Tuesday morning from a fractured skull and concussion of the brain. He was only 28 years of age, and leaves a wife but no children.

He was married in June, 1873, to Fannie, daughter of the late Ira Moon, of Walkill. He learned his trade in the Erie shops at Susquehanna, beginning when but eleven years of age. After a year or two in the West and Canada, he entered the N.Y. & O. Midland Shops, at Oswego, in which his father was foreman. Afterwards he was engineer on the North Branch, and later on the Middle Division of the road.

He was Foreman of the Middletown shop for a year, from'74 to '75 and when the late H. M. Flint became General Superintendent in January, 1875, he made Mr. Minshull Master Mechanic. He has been an excellent officer. Besides being a good mechanic and a careful railroad man, he was respected by his fellow citizens.

(Another article, same newspaper and date, under "East Branch," added:

   "Dr. Wolcott was summoned and upon examination found injuries about the head that were likely to prove fatal. Friends were dispatched for, also a doctor from Middletown. Dr. Bartlett from Walton arrived on the one o'clock train, and remained until a special train arrived at 5 o'clock, bringing friends and Dr. Pilsbury, to attend him.

 "Dr. Bassett, of Downsville, also visited the sick man. In  his death the Midland loses an energetic and efficient workman. The Railroad officials signified their willingness to care for him by remaining at this side, some of them constantly, from the time of the accident up to his death. The remains were conveyed to Middletown for internment.

   (Goshen Democrat of August 21, 1879 stated the car was on an inspection tour at the time of the accident that occurred near the East Branch of the Delaware River. "The unfortunate man was riding on a hand-car propelled by steam, and while passing along the track, at a speed of some thirty miles an hour at a road crossing, there suddenly appeared a team, and apprehending a collision, Mr. Minshull jumped from the car."

Hancock Herald

Thursday, August 21, 1879

Master Mechanic  John Minshull

    Mater Mechanic John Minshull, of the N.Y. & O. Midland Railroad, who was injured by jumping from a steam hand car at East Branch on Tuesday, the 12th inst., died at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday morning, from fracture of the skull and concussion of the brain. He was only 28 years of age, and leaves a wife but no children. 

   He was married in June, 1873, to Fannie, daughter of the late Ira Moon, of Wallkill. He learned his trade in the Erie shops at Susquehanna, beginning when but eleven years of age. After a year or two in the West and Canada, he entered the N.Y. & O. Midland Shops, at Oswego, in which his father was foreman.

   Afterwards he was engineer on the North Branch, later on the Middle Division of the road. He was Foreman of the Middletown shop for a year, from’74 to ’75, and when the late H M.  Flint became General Superintendent in January, 1875, he made Mr. Minshull Master Mechanic. He has been an excellent officer. Besides being a good mechanic and  careful railroad man, he was respected by his fellow-citizens.

Orange County Press, Middletown

 Friday, August 22, 1879



John Minshull

 John Minshull, Master Mechanic of the N.Y. & O. Midland Railroad, died Tuesday morning at half-past four o'clock at East Branch station, from the effects of injuries which he received in jumping from a steam car near that place on Tuesday, Aug. 12th. On that morning, as was related in the Press, Superintendent T.C. Purdy, Assistant Superintendent A.H. Danforth, of the Middle Division, and Master Mechanic Minshull, started out from Middletown on a trip of inspection over the road, expecting to go to Oswego before they returned.

They went on the little steam car which was built for such purposes. The car is similar in construction to an ordinary hand-car, except that it is provided with an engine and run by steam. It is capable of running from forty to sixty miles an hour, but is provided with steam brakes, and when in full motion can be brought to a stand-still in going a very few lengths. It is provided with seats for three passengers on the front of the car. Engineer Sharon was in charge of the car.*

They had nearly reached East Branch, a small way station in Delaware county, seventy-two miles from Middletown, when the accident happened, about one o'clock in the afternoon. They were running along at the rate of about thirty miles an hour on a straight piece of track, when suddenly they saw a team approaching the crossing from a short turn in the highway. They were close to the crossing, and a collision seemed inevitable. The three men on the car involuntarily raised to their feet to get a better view. Messrs. Purdy and Danforth immediately settled back into their seats, having seen that they would miss the team, which the driver had reined into the bank.

The car was stopped a couple of lengths over the crossing, and when they looked back to see where the team was, they saw Minshull lying in the road on the crossing. He had jumped off the car to avoid a collision, which seemed inevitable. He was never able himself afterwards to give any account of the accident. He struck first on his feet, but the great momentum of his body threw him violently forward and his head struck heavily upon the hard earth. He was unconscious and remained entirely so for twenty minutes after the accident. He was immediately taken on the car to the station a mile and a half distant to the home of Mr. Hall, merchant East Branch, where he had every care until his death.

A dispatch was immediately sent to Middletown to send his wife and physician by a special train at all speed. In about two hours afterwards Dr. Burke Pillsbury and Mrs. Minshull of this village were at East Branch.

Another special train was dispatched from here the same evening with leeches to be applied to the injured man's head for the purpose of relieving the pressure of blood upon the brain. There was a fracture of the skull at the base of the brain and a severe concussion of the brain. It was a serious and a doubtful case from the beginning. He never fully recovered his senses after the accident. The injured man lay most of the time in a comatose state, sleeping apparently, but waking often and complaining of pain in his head.

When awake he could be aroused by a question and would make a natural answer but would soon sink back into his former condition. After the first few days it was hoped he was improving, until Sunday, when he spent a very restless day. Leeches were applied a second time, bringing relief, but it was undoubtedly the pressure of blood on the inside of the skull that caused his death. On Monday morning he appeared to be better, suffering less pain, but his physician feared this was a sign of dissolution and so it proved.

His condition remained apparently unchanged until four o'clock Tuesday morning, when he began failing rapidly, and about thirty minutes later he breathed his last.

There were with him when he died, his wife, her brother, Mr. Chauncey B. Moore, Mr. Danforth, Dr. Pillsbury, and members of Mr. Hall's family. His wife was with him constantly after her arrival there. Mr. Danforth never left him after the accident, and the doctor was with him most of the time.

John Minshull was born in England, and came to this country with his parents when he was about eight years of age. His father, Mr. Edward Minshull, now foreman of the Oswego shops of the N.Y. & O. Midland found employment in the shops at Susquehanna. (Note: Erie R.R. shops) There the son learned his father's trade of machinist beginning when he was about fourteen years of age and mastering the trade before he left. For a few years afterwards he was unsettled, working at his trade and following different pursuits.

He was in the oil regions for a time, was in Chicago for awhile, then in Cortland, afterwards in the R.R. shops at Rome, and finally settled down where his family then resided. He was employed in different manufactories there, in Ames' shops, in Kingsford's, and finally went into the Midland Railroad shops there, of which his father was then foreman. While in Oswego he became an active member of the Volunteer Fire Department, being connected with Engine, now Steamer Company No. 3.

He was connected with the Midland for about nine years. He was employed in the Oswego shops only a short time when he began running on the road, first as fireman, then as engineer under Master Mechanic Wm. H. Griggs. He ran on the Northern Division and on the Delhi Branch, and later on the Middle Division. The last running he did on the road as engineer, was on an express freight, carrying butter and cheese between Norwich and Middletown.

 In 1874 he was made foreman of the Middletown shops, and filled the position satisfactorily for about a year. After the road was closed up by heavy snows, in the winter of 1874-75. and when Mr. H.M. Flint took charge of the road as General Superintendent, under the receivers, in the early part of 1875, he made Mr. Minshull Master Mechanic, and he held the position until his death.

As Master Mechanic of the Midland, Mr. Minshull has had much to do with bringing the road up to a paying basis. He brought the rolling stock into first-class condition without increased expenses by requiring more careful usage and providing for timely repairs. With limited means and facilities, by good management he soon had the equipments of the road in good order, and as few accidents have happened on the Midland through faults in its rolling stock under Mr. Minshull, as on any road of its length in the country.

He was a man of remarkable energy, industry and perseverance, and he had the skill and judgment which made him the right man in the right place. He was probably one of the youngest master mechanics in this country, being under thirty years of age, and he was unusually successful. His death will be a heavy loss to the Midland Railroad, and his place will be hard to fill.

There was no man connected with the road the loss of whose services would be more generally regretted than his, and whose death would be more deeply mourned. He was regarded by all the employees of the road as a friend, and by his immediate associates as a brother.

Quick and impetuous in his speech and action, he had a warm and generous heart, and there was no service that he could do for his men or for a friend that he would not do. The proof of the sincere sorrow with which the news of his death was received by the employees of the road could plainly be seen in their faces. The news of his death was received with almost equal sorrow by the citizens of this village, as it will be all along the line and wherever he was known.

He was married on the 12th of June, 1877, to Miss Fannie, daughter of the late Ira Moore, of this town, a young lady who had been a popular teacher in the schools of this village and they were very devoted to each other. Their residence was on Liberty street, to which place his lifeless remains were carried today.

 The bereavement falls with heavy weight upon the young wife, who within the space of two years has lost her mother, her only sister, and now her husband.

The immediately family of the deceased consists of his father, mother, five brothers and one sister. The sister has been for some time visiting his family in this village.

His body was brought to Middletown by special train at 1:45 Tuesday afternoon. The engine No. 11 and the coach No. 104 were draped in mourning.The train was in charge of Conductor Brazee, J. Burke, engineer. Mrs.Minshull was met at the depot with a carriage and accompanied by her brother was driven to her home. The body was placed in an ice box by the undertaker, and taken to the house. On the train were also Assistant-Supt. Danforth, Road Master John Babcock and Mr. Alex Wilson. Quite a number of the officials and employees of the road accompanied the body from the depot to the home.

A special train over the N.Y. Midland from Oswego arrived in town at 2 p.m. Wednesday, with the father, mother and five younger brothers of the late John Minshull, and about twenty employees of the road, who came here to

attend the funeral. The train left Oswego about three o'clock, making the distance of about 250 miles in eleven hours. Another special train from Oswego with a large number of employees on board arrived about noon on Thursday.

Rev. Dr. U. Marvin, of Troy, acting pastor, conducted the services. The employees of the Midland attended in a body and most of the officials and many of the station agents were present.

The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon 21st inst., at half-past two o'clock, at the First Congregational Church. The burial was in Hillside Cemetery. There were twelve bearers and carriers from among the employees of the road, as follows: Foreman Geo. Harpin of the Middletown shop, Foreman Thomas

Aldcorn of the Norwich shops, Foreman P. Reilley of the Oswego car shop, Herbert Youngs and H. Finn of the Oswego shops, H.H. Hemmingway of the Middletown shops, Dispatcher N.R. Hankins, of Norwich, Foreman C.J. Sloat of the Middletown Car Shops, Engineers C.H. Davis, Edward McNiff, Frank Pinch, P. Larkins.

*Thomas P. Girard, Chief Dispatcher in Middletown at the time the railroad closded, said he recalled sitting in the inspection car while it was in storage when he was 10 years old. He was born in 1890.

(From Dan Myers) Here is John Minshull’s signature from May of 1879 when he was overseeing 22 active locomotives.  The other sheet from September is signed by his father who was overseeing 25 locomotives.   John Minshull was killed the month before in August.  

This is 145 year old data analysis!  Most of the “fans” think they were just out running trains around at-will. They actually had teams of people analyzing everything.  Use of valve oil, passenger and freight miles, coal use, etc.-all by hand!

The sheet from September shows that the father was appointed as Master Mechanic the month after John’s August death.

There is more detail on car one and a discussion of car 2.  Car one had the vertical boiler but the actual, one cylinder engine was horizontally mounted below the floor.  This is a big departure. Upright boilers with the engine vertically attached to the boiler, like that donkey engine, were fairly available. This one wasn’t that way.  

There were individual seats at the four corners that were reversible, I believe they mention “turned over” like a coach seat for a return trip. The driver sat at the front right with the controls. Fireman must have been (1 of 2 people) at rear with some kind of coal box. 

There is also a bit of a discussion of car 2 which had two cylinders that would look more like car 3 which had a pair of cylinders like a locomotive.  

The first, single cylinder. car would likely have had to have had a gear train or chain drive so as to have some control at low speed and not get stuck on dead center all the time. I have seen gasoline cars that have a pair of horizontal cylinders under the floor.  The piston rods are connected directly to the axle which serves as  a crankshaft.  Those cars had no clutch and little control at low speed. The engine had to be shut off to stop the car. 

             Midland locomotive performance sheet (from Dan Myers)


The 'Minshul Dynasty' and Steam Hand Cars on the New York, Ontario & Western Railroad

The “Minshull Dynasty” by Richard Palmer The Minshull’s were closely connected with the New York & Oswego Midland Railroad since its beg...