Oswego Times
December 15, 1873
The Midland. -Mr. Caleb Huse, of Perth Amboy, has been appointed Superintendent of the Midland, to have charge of the Division of the road between Norwich and Oswego, - office in Oswego. Mr. Huse is already in this city, and is earnestly looking into the business affairs of the road, making the acquaintance of our businessmen, etc. He is a graduate of West Point, but has turned his attention to railroading, and doubtless our business men will not only find him a gentleman to deal with, but an efficient and energetic business man.
Supt. Huse learned that the business of the road is steadily increasing, and that it is the policy of the receiver to cut the expenses down to the lowest point possible consistent with efficiency, and that the first earnings of the road, over its expenses, will be used to pay the hands have so long remained unpaid. He informs us that the feeling towards the road, even by those who have remained so long unpaid, is remarkably friendly, under the circumstances.
He was surprised that the feeling among the unpaid employees partook so little of bitterness, and attributes it to the intelligence and good sensed of the parties so deeply concerned. He says it is the opinion of the present managers of the road that it is more than paying current expenses, and if so, there will soon be a fund from which to discharge some of the indebtedness to the unpaid workmen.
At Middletown the road now forms a connection with the New York and Erie Road. and freight going from Oswego, over the Midland, has all the facilities for handling in New York possessed by that road.
We bespeak for Superintendent Huse that courtesy and consideration due a gentleman and efficient business agent, especially as he represents here an enterprise in which our city, as a whole, and many four citizens personally have a deep interest.